Page 38 of Crystal Luna
“What did they do to you? Your old pack.”
She’d known that may come up, but all the time in the world couldn’t have prepared her for it. “They didn’t think I was good enough.”
“Why would someone say that? You’re freaking awesome.”
“Because they thought I was human. My father found me half dead when I was a year old and adopted me. He was very sweet but the other kids always made fun of me. It only got worse as I got older. After my parents died, I became the alpha’s maid.”
“They used you.”
She nodded, keeping her eyes down and her fists hidden in her pocket. She wasn’t angry that he’d asked, but that she’d let it get so bad. She was furious at the man who was supposed to protect her and was the one who let it all happen. Now that she knew what it was like to bond to a pack, she was seething over how her old one had treated her. They’d banished her as much as they could without breaking the bond. They’d abused the trust her parents had put in them.
“I’m sorry that happened to you.”
She sighed and forcefully relaxed her fingers. “I’m here now.”
“You are and we are going to keep you safe.”
“Thank you.”
They’d reached her cabin but before she could walk in, Rayan gently pulled her into a hug. “I’ll make sure you turn out to be the most badass warrior that ever lived. If you ever see them again, you’ll be sure to make them regret everything they’ve ever done to you.” He let go and pushed her towards the front door. “Now get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
Chapter Thirteen
It had barely been a day since Velora had joined his pack and it was only his second morning without her. He’d gotten used to his new morning routine more than he cared to admit. He went to bed each night, knowing the nightmares would haunt him but also knowing that he would see Velora at the end of it. It had given him something new, something exciting to look forward to each day.
He’d run for so long that he was completely out of breath. Yet he was still restless. He slowed his pace as he entered the village. The morning run kept his body busy, but his mind was still running rampant.
As he neared the gym, he heard a light giggle that made his heart leap. His eyes landed on Velora, who grinned from ear to ear. Then he found Rayan—who looked like shit.
“Don’t laugh! I’m not a morning person and you being so chipper isn’t helping.”
“You didn’t have to.”
“And drop that fucking unreachable bar my alpha gave you? Fuck no.”
“We can meet up later… you can go back to bed.”
Rayan grumbled something Heath couldn’t decipher and gently nudged Velora into the gym.
Heath couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. He’d watched Velora with the warriors during their Moonnight. Slowly but surely, she’d opened up to them. After the pack link had been established, her transformation had been even more visible than before. At least, it had been to him.
The rest of his morning was spent getting his two little monsters ready. They kept his hands full, but they were the only reason he was still alive so he cherished every second. After sending them off into the wild, he sat down in his office. Wayne joined him soon enough with baby Rayline in his arms.
“Sorry. She keeps fussing and seems to only want me. If she gets in the way Evelyne will come and get her.”
“You know you don’t need to apologise.”
Wayne nodded and sat down. Despite the clear circles under his eyes, his mood wasn’t dampened in the slightest. They both waited in silence on Marvin to join them, Rayline sleeping peacefully.
“Oh, seems I’m late to the party.” When his eyes fell on the baby, he lowered his voice. “Ah, training them young I see.”
“I felt bad leaving Evelyne with a fussy baby.”
“Very noble,” Marvin teased. “Shall I start with our new pup then?”
Heath nodded and Wayne seemed eager too.