Page 54 of Lily, Unwritten
When I’d looked for accommodation for this trial there was only one place- a farmhouse that also served as a bed and breakfast. I’d noticed that there were no houses available to rent so if this worked, I’d potentially need to stay further out.
After I checked in, if you could call it something that formal, with Sophie at the farm I lay down on the beautiful, flowery bedspread in my attic room. Just breathing, enjoying the space, the quiet, the calm. A new start… I smiled at the thought, my last one until morning as the months of exhaustion overtook me, and for the first time in so long, I slumbered in deep, satisfying, dreamless rest.
The well-needed sleep, coupled with the insanely good farmhouse full English breakfast, meant I felt ready to take on the world as I headed into the village to meet Zoe.
This didn’t seem to be a heels sort of place. I’d worn black ballet pumps with a long, blue, pleated skirt and cream top. Obviously I hadn’t put the top on until after the fried egg and coffee spillage risks were taken care of.
A little bell dinged as I opened the door to the bakery and without meaning to I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of the amazing smell. Icing, cinnamon, and sugar, maybe melting chocolate… All the best aromas. Definitely superior to men… Even that little spot on their necks that I was so enamoured with.
“Lily?” My eyes pinged open and I was greeted with a smiling face, vaguely familiar from our zoom call.
“Hi, yes, sorry. I was just taking a moment, smells like heaven in here,” I began to explain, trying not to trip over my words. “Zoe?”
The lady in front of me nodded. She looked just like she had on Zoom only more animated; her smile shone. I also spotted an enormous baby bump barely contained behind her apron. “Zoe – almost the size of a house – Curtis. Come in, I’ve been so excited to meet you, Lily.”
Half an hour later, ensconced in the back of the shop with cups of tea and fresh-out-of-the-oven blueberry muffins, I felt as if Zoe was an old friend. She’d had the shop here for two years. Although it was only a small village she supplied a few places in the nearby seaside town, and that kept her business sustainable. Her baby was due in six weeks, and although she intended to still put a few hours in; she needed help with the baking, the deliveries, and manning the shop.
“So, maybe tomorrow you could make me a couple of your specialities, then I can see what your work is like?” Zoe asked.
“I’d love that,” I smiled as I spoke, meaning it wholeheartedly. This place felt good; I had all the right feels that this was the fresh start I needed.
I lay in the soft bed at the farmhouse that night Googling recipes, even though I knew my own off by heart. I was certain I would make salted caramel brownies; everyone went mad for them. Zack was obsessed with them. I sighed and rolled over; looking at the moon as it shone in through the window. This wasn’t about him anymore; this was about me.
Strawberry and Pimms cupcakes! The memory suddenly flashed into my mind of when I’d made them for a summer away day at Draper & Hughes; they were delicious. I’d just have to hope the local shop sold Pimms. We’d all tucked into them after we played rounders for a fun team-building activity. Luke and I had, of course, been on the winning team.
There was another item I loved to bake though and I hadn’t attempted it in so long, simply because it was Luke’s absolute favourite, and to bake it for anyone else just brought back crazy memories and a random sense of betrayal. Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. I’d make it as a large cake and then she’d see my skill for the bigger projects as well as the everyday bakes.
I wished, momentarily, that I could take a picture of the finished product and send it to Luke, remind him of the time I’d made it at his and nearly ruined his kitchen. I wasn’t used to his mixer and the cream cheese frosting had gone everywhere- splattered over every surface, including me and him. It was at a point we were just friends, but god, it had been sexy; why the hell hadn’t I thought to take it further? He’d pretended to be mad and pushed me against the wall, so even more of the frosting squashed into my hair; then he’d slowly lifted my arm up and licked a trail from my inner wrist to my elbow cleaning the delicious mess from me.
I sighed with a deep longing as I rolled onto my back; what I’d give for his mouth to be anywhere near me right now. I didn’t even reprimand myself this time, I just smiled as I slid deeper under the covers and allowed myself to fantasise about how differently that scenario could’ve played out if only I’d known, or he’d confessed.
By the end of Thursday I was hoping and praying that Zoe was happy with the trial; I knew this was where I wanted to be. We got along like old friends and seemed to work well together. I wanted this opportunity badly, but, given my luck lately I didn’t dare hope for a good outcome.
Zoe had invited me to her house for something to eat that evening before I headed home the next morning. I took that as a promising sign as I got ready. I loved the farmhouse B&B but had done the sums and knew I couldn’t stay there forever; not to mention the effect all those cooked breakfasts would have on me.
“Lily, welcome,” she said as she opened her front door to me. She attempted to wrap me in a hug but her bump wouldn’t allow her close enough. We laughed together as she showed me through to the dining room. “It’s just us I’m afraid, the husband’s stuck at work.”
“That’s fine, don’t worry. You haven’t gone to too much effort, have you?” I asked as the doorbell rang.
“Getting the takeaway from the front door and into the kitchen is as much effort as I’m putting in. I got you wine though, help yourself from the fridge.”
An hour later, we were both full to bursting with sticky sweet and sour chicken, delicious noodles, and a mountain of prawn crackers. My mind also felt nicely relaxed from the beautiful Aussie wine Zoe had bought for me.
“So,” she began. “As far as the trial goes, you’re amazing, and I think we get on like a house on fire. I’d love it if you could start as soon as possible?”
I couldn’t help but break into a wide, genuine smile. “Definitely a yes!” I stopped myself from bouncing up and down on the couch like an excitable toddler. “I don’t suppose you know of any nearby towns I could look to rent in, though, do you? There doesn’t seem to be anything here. I’ve been keeping an eye out, just in case you wanted me to stay.”
“I do know of somewhere. It’s a tiny place, though. Edna has had to go live with family due to ill health. If you had a boyfriend, or anyone, it might be too small?” Zoe watched me closely as she asked the question. There had been a couple of times during the week she’d hinted at wanting to know why I was relocating so far.
“It’s just me. I…” My fingers went straight to where my engagement ring used to be, Zoe’s eyes followed. “I was supposed to be getting married but my fiancé called it off. There’s nothing to salvage. Then I lost my job… I just want to be somewhere new, a fresh start.”
“If I could move, I’d hug you.” Zoe looked at me, her eyes full of empathy.
“It’s fine, don’t worry. A place like this is just what I need.”
She wrote a phone number down and handed me the slip of paper. “That’s Edna’s number, tell her I told you to ring. Explain about the job. She’ll be glad to not have the place empty. Basically, the sooner you can get here the better.”