Page 72 of Ice Cold Hearts
“You are worth waiting an eternity for,” he says, making my heart flutter. “And what’s even better is that we can handle one of those hurdles right now. Let’s go have a chat with Jenna.”
She’s surprised to see us but quickly ushers us back into her office.
“So,” she says, folding her hands on top of her desk, “I’m assuming this is related to the article that got published?”
We nod, and then I tell her an abridged version of what’s happened between us.
“We kept things quiet for longer than usual because we were afraid things would leak to the press, and with Audrey, I just wanted to be sure of things before we made things more official. I know I didn’t tell you, and there’s no way I can express how sorry I am for not telling you, but I did make sure to run every treatment choice by you to ensure I was remaining professional and objective. I know it’s no excuse, and I am genuinely sorry.”
“She’s been nothing but professional during treatment.” Alexei nods, backing me up.
Jenna nods. “I know.”
“You do?” I asked, shocked.
“I didn’t know exactly what was going on, but you haven’t had me check your plans since you were an intern here. I figured something was going on, so I’ve been watching your footage in the hands on treatment room and the general area, and I didn’t see any questionable conduct whatsoever.” She smiles reassuringly.
I’m glad there aren’t any cameras in the offices, even if Oliver isn’t a patient of mine.
“Are you upset?” I ask.
“I’m a little surprised you’re dating all three of them. I won’t lie. And I’m hurt you didn’t tell me sooner, but I know you were just acting with the best interests of your daughter in mind,” she says.
“What happens now?” I wonder. “Are you going to fire me?”
“No.” Jenna shakes her head. “I didn’t explicitly know what was going on, but you made sure I oversaw your work and that you were a professional in the office. I think we can let this go as long as we move any of their future appointments to someone else’s case load.”
My heart overflows with gratitude.
“It doesn’t even come close to how much this means to me, but thank you, Jenna,” I gush.
“As your boss, I’m not allowed to care.” Jenna winks. “But as your friend, I’m just glad you found people who can make you happy and care for you the way you deserve.”
“Thank you,” I say.
“Anytime.” Jenna nods. “Now, shoo, I’ve got paperwork to do, and you’ve got a little lady to put to bed.”
I groan. “Ugh, don’t remind me.”
She just laughs and waves us away.
I feel so light, I’m not sure my feet even touch the ground on the way to the elevator. This has gone much better than I ever could have imagined. It’s giving me hope that maybe all my fears about coming clean to them about Audrey were overstated.
It probably won’t be as easy as my meeting with Jenna, but maybe we’ll be able to get through this too.
If I can just explain everything to them, if I can make them understand why I was too scared to come forward, maybe I’ll still have a chance.
The deadline I set for myself is quickly drawing nearer. The dread that has been poisoning my insides is starting to be pushed away by hopeful determination.
I can do this.
I will do this.
I just have to find the right time.
“That went so much better than I thought it would,” I say as we walk across the parking lot.
“I didn’t think it was going to be as bad as what you were worried about, but I definitely wasn’t expecting her to be that laid back,” he agrees.