Page 87 of Bullet
Willow laughed. “Good.” She kissed Levi’s cheek. “Where’s Romeo?”
“Shannon is getting the results on her PET today. He didn’t want her to be alone in case the news wasn’t good.” Levi turned to me. “She had breast cancer.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Levi?” the medical assistant called her back.
“I can wait here,” I said. “I’ll go down to the cafeteria and grab a coffee. Do you want anything?”
“We’re good.” Willow and Levi went into the doctor’s office, and I rode the elevator down to the lobby. Once I had coffee, I headed back up to the reception area.
Twenty minutes later, Pippa came rushing into the room.
“Oh, hi,” she said, slumping into the chair next to me. “Thanks for bringing her. My sister is an inconsiderate see-you-next-Tuesday.”
“She’s a cunt,” she whispered. “Is Willow in with Levi?”
“Yes.” I sipped my coffee. “They went back a few minutes ago.”
“We’ll be here for a while. Willow is friends with the doctor.” She stretched out her legs. “How do you like staying at the MC? I know it gets rowdy on the weekend.”
“It’s good.” It was safe, and it was better than my previous two residences. The Foxglove was barely tolerable. At least I had my own space. I’d rest in a pine box before I’d ever live with Emerson again.
And then there were my mixed emotions over Bullet. Or rather, my freefall into feelings that could rip me apart. Living with Emerson had nearly destroyed me. Living without Bullet would be worse.
Levi waddled out of the room with Willow right behind her. “Every two weeks now.”
Willow kissed her cheek. “I need to get back. Let me know how it went with Shannon.”
“Oh shit,” Pippa said. “Is she okay?”
I walked behind Pippa and Levi as they spoke about Romeo’s mom.
“Where to now?” Pippa asked and glanced over her shoulder at me. “I need food.”
“I’m hungry, too,” Levi said. “We could grab lunch and head over to the shop. Text Hana and Jazzy and see if they’re hungry.”
I should go back to the MC, but I didn’t want to. I wanted to go to lunch with Levi and Pippa. I had a feeling Bullet wasn’t going to be happy about my adventure with these girls. “Do you have a gun, too?” I asked Pippa because I was pretty sure I’d need protection from a pissed off biker.
“No, but Jazzy is packing, and Hana carries a knife.”
“Okay, let’s get some lunch.”
“Where the fuck is she?” My gut was in my throat. All of her shit was still here. Nothing looked out of place in the MC. No signs of a struggle and no fucking clues. “She wouldn’t leave,” I said to Vega.
Barras couldn’t have gotten to her because we’d spent the morning tailing him. Kodiak was following him now. He could follow him into the fucking parking lot of the apartment complex because he’d lifted the remote entry fob off of Darla, the pissed off at her soon-to-be ex and horny socialite from the convertible BMW.
“Did she run?” Vega sat in a chair, leaned back, and sighed.
“Nah.” I flared my nostrils on a deep inhale and tried to take a calming breath, but it didn’t do shit to lessen the adrenaline firing through my system. Her money was still stuffed under the dresser, and her clothes were in the drawer. The room smelled of wildflowers and vanilla, but she’d clearly gone somewhere.
She couldn’t have vanished. After I checked the basement to see if she was dancing, I stepped out the door and checked the parking lot. Levi’s little yellow car was gone. Pike’s bike was parked in the lot, but the hearse was gone.
“Who was supposed to be here?” Vega asked.