Page 88 of Bullet
“I figured the little prude would be here.” I hadn’t thought we’d be gone all morning, and there was always someone around the MC. This was on me. I’d gotten comfortable, let my guard down while she was safely behind the fence.
I pulled out my phone and sent Steele a text.
Bullet: Is Stormy with you?
Fuck, if she was, I’d be glad she was safe, but the other part of me would unleash fury on him.
Steele: I haven’t seen her. Trouble?
Bullet: I don’t know yet. Maybe.
Steele: On my way.
She wouldn’t have left with Mars without a fight. I went down the hall and knocked on Romeo’s door. “Levi?”
No answer. Fuck it. I turned the handle and peeked into the room. No one was in her room, either. I checked Blade’s room, and because, at the moment, I didn’t give a fuck about privacy, I checked every other fucking door in the hall.
Pike’s was locked. I knocked. A moment later, his old lady Brenna cracked the door and rubbed sleep from her eyes. She’d been working the night shift at a call center.
“Have you seen Stormy?”
She shook her head. “Pike went to the shop with the hearse. He and Torch were going to go pick up a couple of bikes from Lee.”
Lee owned a salvage yard. His business wasn’t always legitimate. Hell, he used to buy stolen parts off Hellers, but he wasn’t dumb enough to sell Hellers stolen bikes or parts. Pike wouldn’t have taken Stormy with him.
“Thanks. Get some sleep. Sorry to wake you up.”
She smiled and shut the door.
Next, I sent a text to Rogue. The response was quick. He was with Romeo. Neither had seen Stormybut discovering that Levi was at a doctor’s appointment felt like a punch to the gut.
“Maybe Stormy called for a ride,” Vega said.
“She doesn’t fucking know anyone but Bristol, and she doesn’t have a phone.”
Vega rubbed the heels of his palms into his eyes. “Then call Bristol. Maybe she picked her up.”
Christ. I dialed Bristol. “Are you with Stormy?” I asked as soon as she answered.
“I haven’t seen her. Is she not at the MC?”
If she was here, I wouldn’t be calling, but I recognized it was more of a rhetorical question. I sat on a chair, bent over, braced one hand on my thigh, and held the phone with the other.
“She’s not here.” A coil of pressure tightened on my throat, my gut clenched, and the toxic taste of fear coated my tongue. “I don’t know where she is, Bristol. And I don’t know how to find her.”
“I’m getting in my car. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. She’s smart, Bullet. If she ran, she had a reason.”
Once I hung up, I went to the room and sat on the edge of the bed. I fired off a text to Kodiak. Just typing the words had a hot ball of emotions lodged in my throat.
Bullet: Don’t lose Barras. Stormy is missing.
Finally, I sent a text to Blue, letting him know I needed him at the MC. Someone was going to need to sit on Barras overnight. That someone was Blue. If the little fucker could spend the night cuddled up to Kiss, he could sit in a fucking cage outside the penthouse.
Fifteen minutes later, Bristol was at the MC. “Any word?”
I chain-smoked another cigarette. “She doesn’t have a fucking cell.”
She flinched from my tone, and her eyes widened.