Page 28 of Vicious Rule
The absence of any compliment about Alex being able to do the same is deafening. I don’t know where Helix is going with this conversation or what he intends to ask me to do, but I have a sense he knows Alex is doing things behind his back.
Or at least he has the suspicion he is.
I’m not sure I can lie effectively enough to convince him he’s not if Helix comes right out and asks me. God, this is exactly what I feared when I agreed to work for Alex. I never had to worry with Gideon. He ran the hotel as a businessman aiming to make money. As much as his father gave him a hard time, he never once considered working against him to make a little on the side.
Shifting in my chair, I continue talking about Gideon to delay the inevitable. “Gideon has always been a great asset. I’m proud I was able to work with him to make the hotel what it is today. He’s created an exclusive resort everyone on the coast loves.”
Behind me, I hear the door to Alex’s office open, so I turn around to see him looking at the two of us with nothing but suspicion in his eyes. He doesn’t trust me. Not at all. If he did, he wouldn’t look so worried about my simply talking to his father.
“Dad, I didn’t know you got in already. Come on in! I’ll pour you a drink so you can relax. I know how much you hate flying and always love a good scotch to make you feel better.”
He’s trying too hard. I don’t know if his father can sense it, but I can, and it’s making me uncomfortable.
Helix stands up, giving me a knowing look before he walks into Alex’s office with him. I wish I could be relieved, but I know this is just a reprieve.
When a man like Helix Rule wants your help, you don’t have a choice. Not if you want to keep living.
My father stalks around my office like he’s looking for something. The man’s been here before, so what the hell is he looking for?
I hate that he thinks he can just drop in any time he wants. He never did this until recently. This is how he treated my brother. Gideon deserved that because he had no idea how to handle his part of the business. My father doesn’t need to be looking over my shoulder like I’m a fucking novice. I learned everything I know from him, and unlike Gideon, I’m not afraid to use what Helix Rule taught me.
“This is a stunning villa, Alex,” he says as he makes his way over to the window. “You have good taste. When your mother hears me rave about this place, she’ll be dying to come for a visit.”
“You should have brought her along. There’s more than enough room, and I know she loves Rome. When was the last time she was there?”
He hums like he’s thinking about my question while he looks out the window to the courtyard below. “Three years ago, I think.”
“Then it’s definitely time for another visit.”
Finished with studying the exterior of my villa, he glances back at me and shakes his head. “Maybe another time. Today I’m here on business, and you know I never involve your mother in that.”
What he means is she never wants to see what his business truly is. My mother has the perfect ability to turn a blind eye to what the rest of her family does to make money, although I bet she’s walking on air now that her favorite son has gone legit with that hotel of his. Why my father gave that to Gideon no strings attached is beyond me. That would have been a perfect place for me to entertain guests when I’m down on the Amalfi Coast. Now it’s just some hotel that offers little more than any other place there.
He makes his way over to my desk but doesn’t sit down when I take my seat. “I told you I wanted to know everything there is to know about the Olivetti family. That was three weeks ago. What have you found out?”
“Three sons, a father, and an uncle are all there is to the Olivettis. The two oldest sons have a reputation for being pretty fucking nasty. The youngest doesn’t seem to have done much when it comes to the family business, but he’s getting started. The father and uncle seem close to retirement, but so far, no one’s been chosen to head the family when they go off into the sunset. You’d think it would be the first son, but that’s not what I’ve heard.”
My father leans over my desk so his face is level with mine. Arching a single dark eyebrow, he says, “And why would that be?”
I shrug and answer, “Because the oldest son is a fuck up, if what I’ve heard is right. Angelo, I think his name is. He got into trouble a few years ago when he launched an attack on another family, and it created a big shitstorm for his father because he never ordered it. I think the old man doesn’t feel he can trust him anymore.”
“Imagine that. A son not following his father’s lead. The man sounds like he needs a few lessons in loyalty, don’t you think?”
“He needs something,” I answer with a chuckle, remembering how Nico talked about that brother as nothing less than a complete asshole the one time we discussed his family.
Then, as quick as lightning, my father nods his head as his mood changes. Finally sitting down in front of my desk, he cracks his neck and says, “I sensed something off with your assistant out there. Is there a problem?”
“No. Not that I know of.”
Sasha was pretty pissed with me after our meeting. Did she say something to my father? Christ! She wants me to trust her, and the first chance she gets, she screws me with the one person I have to answer to.
“Why? Did she say something? I don’t know what she has to complain about, to be honest. She gets to live here in this gorgeous villa, and she gets to work with me. What else could she want?”
I laugh but wish it sounded like I was amused instead of nervous about what Sasha has been telling him. I swear to God if she ratted me out, I’m going to make her life so miserable she’ll be wishing she never met me.