Page 29 of Vicious Rule
My father stops me from talking, which tells me I’ve tipped my hand. I don’t know if she told him about my working with Nico Olivetti, but now he knows I’m nervous about something. I’ll need to come up with another reason why I seem so jittery right now.
And I have the perfect thing.
“She and I are sleeping together, so that might have been what you were sensing,” I say with a grin.
For one of the few times in my life, my father is speechless. He stares at me for a long moment before nodding like he approves.
“I can understand why, of course. She’s gorgeous. There’s no denying that. I just have to wonder if it’s a wise idea to mix business and pleasure like that.”
His comment surprises me since I highly doubt he ever said that to Gideon, so I quickly work to act like it’s no big deal. “It’s just sex. I think she wants more, but we’ll cross that bridge if and when we come to it. For the time being, she’s proving to be a wonderful asset at all times of the day and night.”
My father shrugs. “You know her better than I do. However, I wonder how your brother would feel about that. Those two were very close.”
I don’t bother to stifle the desire to roll my eyes. “My brother has Aria now, and in a couple months, he’ll have a new baby. I doubt he cares at all what’s happening with Sasha anymore.”
“Maybe. Maybe. Okay, onto the real reason for my visit. I want you to take care of the Olivetti family. I’m hearing whispers that they’ve got their eye on my business, so I want to strike first. You’re to handle them all. I want this done before the week’s over.”
My mouth drops open at my father’s order. He wants me to get rid of all the Olivettis? Is this a test? Does he already know what I’ve been doing with Nico?
“Really? Do you think this is a good time to do that? I’ve only been the head of the organization here for a few months.”
He narrows his eyes at my questioning his choice. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t give it a second thought, but getting rid of Nico in addition to the rest of his family means my chance to make some money of my own goes up in smoke.
“Do you know something I don’t about the Olivetti family? If so, now’s the time to tell me. I’m open to changing my plans if it’s going to benefit me.”
Shaking my head, I make sure to meet his gaze so he believes I’m telling the truth. “Not at all. If you say it’s time to get rid of them, I’m your man. I’ll handle it. Don’t worry.”
His big smile tells me he buys my act. Standing, he taps his knuckles off the edge of my desk. “Great! I’m off. I want to check on your brother and Aria. Your mother won’t forgive me if I don’t deliver all the baby gifts she sent with me.”
I’ve never been more relieved in my life to see my father ready to leave my office. I have no idea what I’m going to do about the Olivettis, but the last thing I need is him hovering over me while I figure it out.
“Have a good time! I saw him the other day, and he looks happier than I’ve ever seen. Daddy seems to be a role he’s made for.”
My father looks at me oddly before saying, “Oh, yes. That’s right. He did tell me about Sasha coming to stay with him. He didn’t mention that you were too. Did you have a nice time at the hotel?”
I cringe at the idea of my brother telling him about Sasha running back to him. And he wonders why I hate him so much. Asshole.
“Not for long. Just went to pick her up to bring her home,” I bite out through gritted teeth.
“Maybe after you get the Olivetti job done you and Sasha can take a vacation there. A few days off enjoying the sun and the water might be nice for you two.”
I force myself to smile as I think about how that won’t happen in a million years. Why the fuck would I want to go to my brother’s hotel, a place where Sasha feels happier than she does here? I couldn’t stand that place before she and I got together.
Now I hate it with a passion.
As my father walks toward the door, he calls back, “I’ll look for a call from you soon, Alex. Remember, I want this done within the week.”
He’s gone before I can mumble, “Got it. I’ll let you know.”
A minute later, I march out into Sasha’s office and wave her in to talk to her. Now I really need to know what she said to my father.
“Sasha. In my office. Now!”
The look in her eyes is pure fear as she hurries past me. Good. She needs to know I’m not like my brother. I won’t be playing her fucking games.
Only one of us is in control here, and that’s me.
I slam the door behind me and move in front of her, forcing her to stop. Looking into her eyes, I watch for any hint of what she’s about to tell me. If she admits she sold me out, I don’t know what I’m going to do.