Page 22 of Love In The Air
“Nothing, I’m just tired.”
Needing to get some fresh air, air that didn’t involve her breathing in Chance’s tempting scent with each inhale, she hurried over to the cubbies and grabbed her stuff. Slipping on her shoes, she booked it out of the studio and into the cool spring night air. She made it all the way to her car before she heard the fall of heavy footsteps behind her.
“Iz, wait up!”
Ugh! Could the man not see she needed space from him right now? What was with him? Maybe he was doing this on purpose. Making himself all sexy and irresistible to mess with her head so she’d screw up the moves and get kicked out of the show. The thought made her blood boil. Irrational thought took over. She whirled around, nearly smacking right into Chance as he invaded her personal space.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
His eyebrows climbed up his forehead. “Me?”
“Yes, you.” A snarl left her.
“You’re the one who rushed out of the studio like your ass was on fire.”
To get away from him.
“Maybe that was a hint that I wanted to be left alone.”
“Come on, Iz.” He gently gripped her arm, tugging her closer as he stared into her eyes. “Talk to me.”
Her heart skipped a beat at the touch. A sharp throb pulsing between her legs at the soft brush of his skin against hers. She pushed down the unwanted sensation, reaching for her anger, wishing the familiar emotion would take over this newer one she had no idea what to do with.
“You want me to talk to you?” She raised one eyebrow.
Chance nodded. “Yeah, we’re supposed to be acting like friends now and that’s what friends do.
A harsh laugh escaped her. “Friends? If we’re such good friends, why don’t you share with me? Huh?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“You want me to share, but the other day at lunch when I asked about your family, you pulled a sitcom worthy distraction bit to avoid sharing a single word.”
She could still remember the brief moment of pain that flashed in his eyes when she’d asked about his brother. Something inside her wouldn’t let it go. Wouldn’t let her forget. Some driving need within her urged her to do everything in her power to help erase that look of bleak misery from his eyes forever. But she couldn’t do that even if she wanted to. The damn man shared advice like it was going out of business, but kept his personal life locked in a freaking vault. Why was she expected to share when he wouldn’t?
He dropped her arm, taking a small step back, gaze falling to the ground. “That’s…different.”
His jaw tightened, eyes still refusing to meet hers as he shrugged. “It just is. Now tell me why you left the studio in such a hurry.”
This man made her so frustrated she could scream. But since she didn’t want to draw the attention of anyone still left in the studio, she settled for a low growl.
“Maybe I was tired of being dictated to by my supposed partner.”
“I was helping,” he insisted.
“I didn’t ask for your help, Chance!”
Chance leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. “Fine! I just came out to check on you. Excuse the hell out of me for caring about my duo partner.”
“I don’t need checking on. I’m fine.”
He snorted. “Really? Then how come every time I grabbed you for a hold you flinched?”
She sucked in a sharp breath. He felt that? Fuck, of course he did. His hands had been all over her tonight as they learned the routine. He’d have to be a terrible aerialist not to notice what his partner’s body was doing so up close and personal. And as much as it pained her to admit, Chance was an extremely good aerialist.
“You are so annoying,” she threw at him.