Page 23 of Love In The Air
“And you’re deflecting,” he countered. “Now what the hell was up tonight? What did I do?”
She paused, taking in his question, staring into his face. His…worried face. Dammit, Chance thought he was the cause of her fuckups tonight. He was, but not in the way he meant. As frustrated as she was with him right now, she couldn’t let him think her failing was his fault. That wasn’t fair.
“It’s not you. It…I’m tired.” She turned, grabbing her keys from her bag. “I just want to go home.”
“Iz, talk to me.”
She held back a growl. Why wouldn’t he let it go? Let her go? All she wanted to do was go home, break out her vibrator and work out this unwanted sexual attraction she had to the man in the privacy of her own home. It hadn’t worked last night, but maybe she needed a few more orgasms to sate her body, and then she could forget all about Chance O’Brien and the way he made her thighs clench. If she orgasmed herself into exhaustion, that had to work, right?
“Iz!” He insisted, gently grasping her arm.
That was it! Her nerves were done, she couldn’t do it. Whirling around, her mouth opened, and she exploded her tension, frustration, and confusion all over him.
“You wanna know what happened tonight? You, okay! You happened. I couldn’t focus on what I was supposed to do, how I was supposed to turn, where to put my hands, because the second you touch me, all I want to do is put my hands all over you! I want to take you down to that mat, rip off all our clothes and fuck you until neither of us can walk straight let alone perform out routine. So there, that’s what happened tonight. My stupid horny brain took over because apparently, against all my better judgment, I suddenly want to have sex with you.”
She sucked in deep, heaving breaths as her rant ended. Chance stood there, slack jawed, staring at her with a mix of shock and something else…
“You want to have sex with me?” he said slowly, the words rumbling deeply out from his lips.
“I know. Hell must have frozen over.”
He grinned at her barb, stepping closer until he was inches from her. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her cheek as he leaned down to whisper in her ear.
“Then it must have frozen over twice because I sure as hell want to fuck you, too.”
She pulled back, excitement and wariness warring within her as she glanced up into his eyes. “But we won’t because it’s a bad idea, right?”
“Colossally bad,” he agreed, dipping his head closer until their lips were a hairsbreadth apart.
“And we don’t want to do anything to mess up this opportunity.” She moved her own head a millimeter closer, her lips barely brushing against his as she spoke.
“Yes, but what’s worse? Ignoring this attraction and letting it fester, causing us to gripe at each other and fail in rehearsal.”
That sounded miserable, and like a surefire way to get booted from her dream job.
“Or,” he said, grasping her hips and tugging her flush against him until she could feel the hard length of his erection against her stomach, “we get rid of whatever this thing we stepped into is.”
“Are you suggesting we fuck away our attraction, Chance?”
He brushed his lips against hers, tempting her with the promise of what they could give, while teasing her, pulling away just before she could truly taste how sinfully good he was.
“That is exactly what I’m suggesting.”
“Get your car, follow me.”
Chance nodded silently to Iz, but inside he was shouting in celebration. Was this a bad idea? Possibly. Did he care? Not in the slightest. Truth be told, he’d had a thing for Iz since high school, but she’d always been more determined to bite his head off rather than hold his hand, so he pushed the attraction down deep. Refusing to recognize it. But now…
Now she wanted him.
No way was he going to pass up this opportunity. Besides, they couldn’t keep going like this. Sniping at each other during rehearsal. Maybe finally getting this strange lustful attraction out of their system would be a good thing and they could work on being real friends after.
Or it could all blow up in their faces.
He hurried to his car, starting it up and following Iz out of the parking lot. They didn’t discuss where they were going, but he assumed her place since she commanded him to follow her. They sure as shit couldn’t go to his place considering he was sleeping on Darnell’s couch right now. Hopefully, Iz didn’t have a roommate.