Page 41 of Dawn of Hope
“Lyla…she’s not ready.”
The words ring out clearly, and my blood turns cold.
Not ready? Is that what tonight was about? The fury that had been mildly tamed after my conversation with Brynne returns almost instantly and my blood that was cold only a moment ago begins to boil.
Not ready?
Of course I’m not ready. He has ensured that. Beyond my lessons with Edmond and Brynne, nothing has been done to ensure I will be a successful queen. This is his failure, and he’s confessing to my mother, tonight of all nights, that it is my problem?
Is this the reason for the last minute change, revoking the invites he sent out and risking our relationships with all the other rulers? He decided at the last minute he didn’t want to parade his inadequate daughter off in front of everyone who would clearly see me as a lesser royal.
What have I done to make me such an embarrassment?
Why doesn’t he want me?
I don’t care if he hears me at this point. I rush past the door and run down the steps, heading straight for the kitchens. I look back over my shoulder as I round the corner quickly, to make sure no one is following me when I slam into someone in the hallway.
Oh no.
This is the first time I’ve ever been caught. My mind races, trying to come up with an explanation for why I am in a part of the castle I normally am not. The last thing I need is for my whereabouts getting back to my father.
I stumble back from the person I collided with and start stammering out an apology.
“My apologies, Lennox.” I snap my mouth shut and feel my shoulders relax at the voice.
I release a sigh of relief. “No, no, Edmond, I apologize. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“There is no harm done. Is there a reason you are hustling through the hallways?” He looks me up and down, taking in my clothing, which is vastly different from what he last saw me in, not to mention something he’s never seenme in before.
“I, uh,” I stammer, searching for an excuse he would accept. “I am just…going to get some food.”
“Ah. Well, I daresay there isn’t much of a need for a hood and cloak in the kitchens. It might put you at risk of catching on fire.” The edges of his lips turn up in a smirk. I’m not surprised that he has seen right through my lies, but it doesn’t seem like he is going to call me out on it.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.”
“Yes.” He moves to step around me, making his way down the hall. “Please do be careful, princess.”
His words make me think he knows I am not going to the kitchen. But does he really know what I am up to? Has he known I have been sneaking out for weeks?
It is as if the gods are looking down on me, and I quickly decide this is my only chance to bring up what has been on my mind.
“Edmond, I have a question.”
He pauses and looks back at me, clasping his hands across his stomach. “Yes?”
“You told me a story a few weeks ago.”
“I did,” he says with a nod.
“It’s a popular story in our kingdom, and in kingdoms beyond.”
“Yes, but why now? What made you bring it up after all these years?”