Page 41 of Never Forever
I pressed the towel against the gash on his forehead. He winced and took the towel from me. “Dad, what happened?”
“I had those beers, and with all the excitement, they went to my head.”
“It’s not just that. You’re sleeping so much and I know you’re more tired than you let on.”
“Yeah, I’m raising a teenage boy all by myself. It’s enough to exhaust anyone.” Even through the blood on his face I could see the twinkle in his eyes.
“I want you to go to the hospital.”
“No, son.”
“Then make an appointment with Dr. P.” I could see him want to argue. “Please Dad. For me.”
“Alright, Matt. I’ll go see the doctor. You’re worse than a hen.” I helped him to his feet and he shrugged off my help up the stairs. “How was the rest of your night?”
Right. I’d completely forgotten. “Carrie hasn’t told her mother about Boston yet,” I said.
“Oh son. You better buckle up. Seas are about to get rough.”
“Mom!”I called out as soon as I walked through the front door. The wood floors squeaked and groaned under my stomping feet. The house was starting to sag in places and I was so determined to get out of here before it fell down around us all.
I was doing this tonight. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Matt thought I was embarrassed of him and that couldn’t be further from the truth. I needed to end this once and for all.
I didn’t talk about Matt at home. That was true. Not because I was embarrassed, but because of how Mom reacted when I did.
High School Crush.
Your first, but not your last boyfriend…just remember that.
Go to the dance with him, that’s fine, but just make sure he doesn’t get too attached.
We need to get you on birth control, young lady. I’ll not have you getting knocked up in high school and ruining all your future prospects.
Matt and I had been dating since my junior year and she still treated him like he was some temporary interruption in my life. The high school boyfriend I would soon be leaving behind to pursue my career in acting, instead of what he actually was.
The love of my life. My future husband. The father of our future children.
“In the sunroom,” Gran said, from her spot on the velvet couch. She pointed a finger toward the back of the house.
Mom was in the sunroom, surrounded by plants, laid out on the chaise lounge, in silk pajamas. One of her cold face packs over her eyes.
“I need to tell you something,” I said.
“Darling, does it have to be tonight? I feel the beginnings of a migraine coming on.”
I could have taken the easy out. She didn’t want to hear bad news, and I didn’t want to make her headache worse. I could tell her the next day, or the next day after that. There was plenty of time until we actually left.
“Carrie? Are you embarrassed being with me?”
Matt’s words came back to me and gave me the courage I needed. He needed to know that I could stand up for us. He said he was proud of me, but the truth was, I hadn’t done a single thing to deserve that.
“Yes, it has to be tonight,” I said.
She sat up, the cold pack sliding down her nose into her fingers. “What is it?”
“I’m leaving at the end of the month. For Boston.”