Page 49 of For the Cameras
“Good. You should feel amazing about yourself,” I said. “Now, are you ready to come for me?”
The little red light glowed on the camera. Goosebumps formed all over my skin as I saw the halo of Chase’s blond and blue hair above it. Tiny dust motes were floating in the light, and time seemed to slow down, like I was actually in a movie rather than my own life.
I waited and waited for when my anxiety would hit me like a brick to the head, but then… it didn’t.
I wasn’t nervous.
I didn’t know how it was possible to belessshy while lying naked on the floor in front of Chase than I was when I had been clothed and trying to have normal conversations, but that was the special thing about Chase. He brought all sorts of new things out of me.
Or maybe he just gave me the confidence to be who I already was.
The ambient heat of the early evening radiated through the windows. I gripped my cock like I usually did, letting my back arch up off the floor a little. I tried to clear my mind entirely, thinking about nothing other than how good it felt.
I could hear all of the birdsong and the chatter of a squirrel outside, just past the balcony doors. A car drove down the street, its low rumble filling the air.
I also heard the faint sound of Chase breathing.
The most distracting thing of all.
I wished he could just talk to me, in the same way that always put me at ease. Maybe we could work out a way that he could say things to me, and we could edit out the audio later?
Or maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to upload a video where hewastalking to me.
“I fucking needed this,” I uttered in a low voice.
It was a shot in the dark, to see if Chase would say anything in response. But he kept silent, professional, behind the camera like he was used to doing.
The idea of hearing his voice right now was all I wanted.
Being so close to him in the silence of my bedroom was intimate in a way I never could have imagined. Him watching me almost felt similar to having him touching me—I could feel his eyes on me even more than I could feel the camera watching me.
He liked watching. Liked filming.
And apparently I fuckinglovedbeing watched.
I bit down on my lower lip, sinking back into the towel below me and squeezing tight around the base of my cock.
His lips had felt so fucking soft on mine when I’d been tipsy and stupid enough to kiss him the other night. He’d given into my kiss, even though every insecure part of me had second-guessed myself, even then, and I’d assumed he might push me away.
Talk to me, I thought.
Touch me.
When I glanced up at him again now, he was peeking over the camera, looking down at me with his big, blue eyes. I moanedinvoluntarily as we made eye contact, and my chest filled with heat.
“So good,” I whispered involuntarily.
I missed the slick, wet warmth of his tongue sliding along mine. How his tongue might feel on other places of my body. It was an image I’d been trying to forbid myself from thinking about ever since it happened.
And then my cock throbbed in my hand, the hint of an orgasm already threatening.
Nope. I wasn’t going to come this soon. Certainly not during the first time that Chase was actually filming real footage that I might upload to OnlyShots. I couldn’t deny how badly I wanted to perform for him. To give him a good show, like I had a live audience of just one person. My biggest fan.