Page 50 of For the Cameras
I forced myself to think about statistics and mortgages and awkward parties—anything that would turn meoff, fast.
But the slight panic was already doing the job for me. I felt my thoughts ratcheting up in speed, descending on me like a swarm.
Big problem.
Instead of just slowing down, my erection started to go away entirely, which sure as hell wasn’t a problem I usually dealt with. I stared down my torso, too aware of how it might look on camera.
“Fuck. Pause for a minute?” I said gently, looking up at Chase. My throat was dry when I spoke, like I hadn’t talked in hours.
“Done,” he said, and the little red light turned off. “You doing okay?”
The sound of his voice felt like a lifeline after the tension of the silence while we’d been filming.
“It’s so weird,” I told him, sitting up. “I usually love silence, but right now it’s making me feel like I’m going to explode.”
Chase nodded knowingly. “Lie back down. I’ll try something.”
I had no clue what he meant by that, but I did as he said, lying back in the sunlight and breathing deep. I saw the light turn on at the side of the camera again and I wrapped my fist around my cock, trying to bring it back to life.
“That’s good,” Chase’s voice came from behind the camera and I turned to him, surprised.
“Yeah?” I asked, stroking myself and starting to get a little hard again.
“I fucking love watching you,” he said gently. His tone of voice sounded professional and neutral, but something about that only made it register asmoreattractive to me.
Like this was all just a fun job for him, watching me get hard and jerk off and absolutely lose my goddamn mind for him.
I swallowed hard. “I’m glad you like it,” I said, tugging on my cock again as it perked right back up.
He paused recording for another moment.
“We can edit out the sound of me talking if you want,” he suggested. He was looking down at me.
I stroked myself. “Or we can leave it in. Maybe people want to hear you telling me what to do.”
Chase raised his eyebrows. “You think so?”
My breath quickened. My cock was very hard again, and I nodded. “Make me come, Chase. I think my followers would like to watch it happen.”
Talking to him like that made my cock throb. I could tell he was surprised by it too, his eyes going wide as he licked his lips.
“I am the luckiest guy in the world right now,” he muttered, and I had to fight not to grin like an idiot.
It was all just fun and games. No strings attached, the way Chase liked it.
But even if I knew all of this was just going to be a short-lived fling, it was the most fun I’d had in years.
Truthfully, I had no clue whether or not my followers would be into seeing me upload a video where I was being guided by someone else in the room, but right now, I didn’t really care.
But I had nothing to lose. I didn’t rely on OnlyShots for money at all, and the small amount of money I made from it each month was just bonus cash alongside my real day job.
Chase started recording again.
“Take your hand off your cock,” he commanded me, in a firm tone.
I followed immediately, taking my hand off my cock. My erection jumped in front of me, and I looked down, seeing precum already forming again at the tip.
“You don’t want me to touch myself?” I asked.