Page 64 of Left in the Dark
I close my eyes.Calm down, Delaney. Find out where she is.
“Sorry. I’m just… stunned.” I clear my throat, trying to rein in my emotions. “Where is she?”
“Your father had her flown to Green Haven Hospital.”
“Thank you for letting me know.” I end the call before he can say anything else. The phone slips from my hand as I stare blankly out the window.
That fucker.I know my asshole father did this.
My mom made it to Maine. She was so close to reaching the border… but of course, that jackass stopped her.
I run my hands through my hair before grabbing my phone and calling Callie.
As her phone rings, time seems to slow. Pain ricochets through my body, making me grimace. My mind races.What if she would’ve stayed here longer? Would he have gotten to her?
When Callie answers, I’m too overwhelmed to say a word. The crushing pain in my chest takes my breath away. It’s so persistent it feels like it will never end.
“Delaney? What’s wrong?”
A sob escapes me. I close my eyes, trying to compose myself.
“Are you okay? Do you need me?”
I nod, even though she can’t see me. “It’s my mom. She was in an accident.”
“Oh, fuck. Is she… okay?”
I swallow hard, trying to dislodge the vast lump lodged in my throat. “He did it, Callie. My father… I don’t know how, but he caused this.”
“Is your mom alive, Delaney?”
“Yes.” Fat tears slide down my cheek. “He had her flown to the Green Haven Hospital.”
“Fucking bastard.” She takes a deep breath. “Okay. Mark and I will pack a bag. We’re going with you to Green Haven. We’ll pick you up in fifteen minutes.”
“Thank you,” I whisper as I end the call.
Dread causes chills to roll through me.I’m returning to the place I said I’d never go.
“What do you think? Excited to test em out?” I smirk as I take in Luca’s expression, then at Jaxson, who rolls his eyes.
“You bet. These will be perfect.”
We’re standing inside the small concrete building near the cabin. The guy Luca is renting it from is an avid hunter who uses this space for the animals he kills.
This structure will be used well, but it’s not animals Luca is hunting. Although, I’d argue that the assholes who lit his house on fire, causing permanent disfigurement to part of his body and killing his father, are worse than animals.
Luca hits a button on his laptop and shows us the list of those responsible for killing his father. He pulls up the information, reviewing the timeframe he’s devised and suspect list from least to most responsible.
I clasp his shoulder, squeezing it. “Very well thought out plans. I have no doubt you’ll execute it to perfection.” Pride and approval radiate through me. “Eight years ago, they took everything. Now, it’s time to take back what was stolen from you.”
Luca chuckles, the brown fedora hat helping to hide the scars on one side of his face. The kid is still handsome as fuck, even though he has severe hang-ups about his looks.
When Jaxson’s phone rings, and he steps outside to take the call, Luca levels me with a look. “Planning on visiting Green Haven while you’re here?”