Page 65 of Left in the Dark
I nod, crossing my arms over my broad chest. “Yeah. I need to visit my dad and brother’s grave.”
“Sorry, man. That sucks ass what happened to your dad. As far as your brother….”
I huff out a breath. “I don’t feel any sympathy for him. I tried talking sense into him long before he went to rehab. When he got caught using while in rehab—twice—I warned my parents he didn’t want to get clean. It was no surprise to me when he overdosed.”
“The agony he put your mom through… How is she?”
Sadness and guilt course through me. Even though I pay for the best possible care, it’s hard not to feel guilty sometimes. Like there was something more I could’ve done.
My brother died from an overdose, which rocked her world. She couldn’t get over Zachary’s death, feeling like a failure because she couldn’t save him.
Just when she started making the slightest bit of improvement, my dad’s cancer diagnosis sent her spiraling into an even worse depression. When he died, I tried everything to reach her, but she was lost in the darkness.
Six months later, she had a stroke, which paralyzed one side of her body and affected her speech. She speaks very slowly and has difficulty saying the right words. It makes her irritable, sometimes resulting in her being aggressive.
“About the same. Minimal improvement.” My gaze drops to my boots, and I heave out a mournful sigh. “It sucks, Luca. I lost my entire family….”
Rage causes a burning inside my chest as I picture the man responsible. Richard Warner and the other jackasses residing in Green Haven created a chain of events that led to me losing my loved ones.
“Sucks, man. I’m sorry.”
I look up at Luca and nod. “Me too.” I blow out a breath, my hands clenching into fists. “It’s time the assholes in Green Haven pay for their sins.”
Luca holds up his hand, and I high-five it. “Those assholes won’t know what hit them. I’m fucking here for it, Zayne.” He pats my shoulder. “Anything you need.”
He’s the younger brother I wish I had. Loyal and level-headed yet unhinged when seeking revenge against those who hurt him.
“You just focus one hundred percent of your attention on your vendetta. That will help me focus on what I need to do.”
He holds out a hand, and I take it. “Deal.” His gaze moves to the door right as Jaxson walks back into the room. “Why don’t you go visit your dad’s grave? Piss on your brother’s for being a lame jackass while you’re there.”
I chuckle. “Not a bad idea at all.”
Jaxson rolls his eyes. “Just don’t get arrested for indecency, asshole. I don’t want Luca to have to bring me to that shitty one-horse town to bail your ass outta jail.”
I laugh and wink at Luca. “What better way to announce my return?”
Jaxson throws his hands in the air, muttering curse words under his breath. “I’m going inside. Luca, you got any beer?”
I follow Jaxson outside, grinning like an asshole for irritating him so much. There’s nothing I like better than ruffling his feathers. He’s wound so damn tight, it’s not hard to do.
“See ya soon, Zayne. If you need anything, lemme know.” Luca pats my shoulder.
“Got it, kid.” I chuckle as he levels me with a look. “Loosen up that tightly wound bastard. He needs some fun in his life.” When Jaxson glowers at me, I smirk. “It’s been a long time since he’s had some pussy. Put on a chick flick so he can spank his monkey. He likes Kate Hudson.”
“Fuck you, asshole. You’re one to talk.” I bristle as he gloats at me before nudging Luca’s shoulder. “Every woman he fucks is a brunette with green eyes.”
“Shut the fuck up.” My hands clench into fists at my side. “I have a type.”
“Yeah. And they all resemble Delaney Warner.”
“Swear to God, Jaxson, I will punch you in the throat if you don’t shut the fuck up.”
Luca chuckles, patting my shoulder before he plants a hand on Jaxson’s chest, pushing him toward the cabin. “Before the two of you start throwing fists, why don’t you go in and eat some popcorn, and we’ll watch chick flicks. And Zayne, go stalk that town and see what you can discover about Delaney. Who knows? Maybe she’ll be visiting, and you fuck the one you actually want.”
“Luca. I swear to God, your fucking mouth is gonna get you in trouble.”