Page 66 of Left in the Dark
He laughs, still pushing a highly amused Jaxson toward the front door of his cabin.
I give them the finger, and they return the favor.
Shaking my head, my long strides carry me to my truck before I reconsider the Green Haven trip.
My white knuckles clench the steering wheel when I reach the “Welcome to Green Haven” sign at the edge of town.
I swallow hard as I drive past the road that leads to the trailer park my family and I once lived in. Bittersweet memories roll through my head.
I scoff as I continue driving.Jaxson, Ryker, and Luca would shit if they could read my mind.The thoughts I keep bottled up deep inside differ from the persona I project to them.
It’s not entirely a persona, though. The monster I became is a direct result of what the people in this town did to me.
I smirk as I see a political sign in someone’s yard.Richard Dickhead Warner is campaigning for governor. Yeah, asshole, you’ll never get elected. I’ll make fucking sure of that.
My attention has been on expanding King Morine across the United States and, recently, into foreign markets. I’ve put people in place to drive the vision forward. And now that Mom is out of the hospital and settled into a facility two hours from Green Haven, it’s time for me to implement my plans to turn this fucking corrupt town on its head.
Braking as I see the light changing to red ahead, I pull my thoughts from revenge and take in my surroundings.
The Green Haven hospital sits to the right. My eyes scan over the parking lot, and I freeze at the sight in front of me.
Delaney Warner gets out of the vehicle. She’s wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a black sweater that shows off her trim figure. She says something to her friend, who grabs and squeezes her hand, then takes the guy’s hand, whose back is to me. When they turn, I have a view of the threesome.That’s Callie Burke and Mark Dixon with her. What are they doing in town?
I don’t question myself as I make a right into the hospital's parking lot and find a space. Nor do I analyze my motives when I grab the black hoodie and pull it on, my gaze on the trio.
Shutting and locking my truck door, I stealthily hurry after them.
I impatiently waitfor the elevator to come back down, having paid attention to the floor it previously stopped on. Luckily, they took the side elevator instead of the center one, usually packed with visitors coming and going.
Memories of being here because of injuries I sustained from the assholes in this town, as well as when my brother overdosed, haunt me. When the elevator doors open, I push the thoughts aside, pressing the button so I can follow the threesome.
I’m not that same broken kid. Now I’m a fucking badass man who’s had a lot of blood on his hands over the years.
While on the surface, our company is legitimate, there’s the other side where criminals use our products.I’ve dealt with those individuals accordingly.
When the doors open, I peer out, analyzing my surroundings before maneuvering down the hallway, keeping my head lowered.
When I hear Delaney’s hysterical voice ahead, I find a place to stand and listen without being seen.
“I need to see my mom, goddamn it.”
“I know you’re upset, but I need you to lower your tone and watch your language.” The nurse behind the desk gives Delaney a disapproving look over the rim of her glasses, her lips pursued. “Now, as Mrs. Warner’s daughter, I know you’re upset and want information. But your father has requested that all information go through him, and he’ll update the family?—”
“Fuck.” Delaney stomps closer to me. Every muscle in my body tenses as I shift into the shadows so she won’t see me.
“I know you’re upset, Delaney. But you’re only going to make things worse.”
“I know.”
Her voice is small and distant, and I chance a look around the corner of the hallway. Delaney’s pacing back and forth. She’s pale, worry lines carved into the silky planes of her face, and even with a tear-streaked face, the fucking woman is even more gorgeous than the last time I saw her fifteen years ago.
My cock stirs inside my pants, and I grit my teeth, unable to shift my weight for fear it’ll draw attention.
“I don’t mean to worry you. I’m just so fucking frustrated, and I almost slipped and said….”