Page 55 of All Because of You
Daniel’s judging eyes flashed behind her lids, making her dissolve into a puddle of self-doubt. What if she was being too aggressive? What if the raw passion came from Shane and his desire to be in control?
She gave up control, trying to follow Shane’s lead, but his mouth stopped moving. He pulled away, cupping her face, and angling her to look at him.
“What was that about?” he asked.
“I wanted to kiss you.”
“And I wanted to kiss you, too, but one minute I’m kissing you, and the next I’m kissing a soggy dishtowel.”
“A soggy dishtowel?” She playfully smacked his shoulder.
“Flaccid, moist, uninterested,” he teased, moving her toward the side of the building. She knew what would happen the minute her back hit that wall, and she wanted it. His finger traced the outline of her face, up and over the curve of her ear and lingered near her lobe. “Want to talk about it?” he asked.
“Talk about what? How you think I’m flaccid, which is the most unattractive word imaginable.”
His lip curled upward in an amused grin. “I meant what’s going on up here.” He tapped her head lightly. “And flaccidisan ugly word. But one minute you were with me, and then suddenly you were a million miles away.”
Her head dropped at his words. He was right. She let her mind take over, filling her with self-doubt and uncertainty instead of allowing herself to be in the moment.
“I know we’re having fun,” he said. “But I’m selfish, and I don’t want to share you with Daniel either.”
Taken aback her head snapped up, smacking Shane square in the nose. A loud umph came out of him, and his hand shot against his face. He moaned and mumbled a few indecipherable words, but if Olivia were to guess, they weren’t getting a PG rating.
“I am so sorry.” She reached for his face, wanting to take away the pain, but also wanting the wall to swallow her whole. “Do you want me to kiss it better?”
“Depends on who’s kissing me. You or the soggy towel?”
She brought his nose slowly to her face and brushed a kiss gently across it before moving down to his mouth. His lips yielded to hers, letting her keep control, and this time she took it. She thrust her fingers into his hair, holding his head close and angling it to deepen the kiss.
The electricity she’d come to expect between them flickered to life as their tongues met in a slick erotic tangle. She moved into him, arching her center to his, feeling the hard press of his growing erection.
She pulled back slightly, nipping at his lip. “How was that for a soggy towel?”
“That was no damn towel. That was all you.”
She smiled and blinked up, catching his brownish green eyes. “You don’t have to share me with Daniel,” she said. “You saw what happened tonight. We’re over. We’ve been over for a while.”
He tapped her temple. “But he’s still in here.”
“I don’t want him to be.”
“Then don’t let him.”
Olivia laughed. “If it were only that simple.”
“It can be.”
“For three years, I tried to be everything I thought he wanted. The sad thing is, I didn’t even realize I was doing it. I’ve never felt comfortable in my own skin. I’ve always thought if I was just taller, thinner, had blonde hair, curly hair, if I was smarter, sexier… I guess what that all means is I don’t think I’m good enough.”
Shane’s hands came around her waist, holding her close, but not close enough that she couldn’t look deep into his eyes. “You are good enough and whenever Daniel or anyone else pops in your head and makes you think you’re not, think of this moment. Right now. Think of my words. You, Olivia Green, are more than good enough. You’re pretty damn special.”
The sincerity in his gaze melted her heart and gave her the confidence to pin him up against the building and kiss him until they were breathless.
Chapter 16
Shane slowed the car in front of Olivia’s house, and she shifted in her seat. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye, but at least he’d have the memory of their earlier kiss that turned into a full on make-out session until Connor cleared his throat as he walked to his own car.
Olivia bit her lip, plump and swollen from their workout. “I’m not tired.” Three unassuming words that were filled with so much promise.