Page 56 of All Because of You
“Me either,” he said. “I can keep driving… or we can go back to my place.”
Crimson crept up her neck and filled her cheeks. Her eyelashes fanned down. “Your place sounds good.”
He turned the wheel toward the road and continued on. Olivia’s hand crossed the console and rested on his thigh. His cock came to attention, pressing desperately against his zipper. He took a deep breath, but when her hand inched ever so slightly toward his throbbing erection, a moan rumbled up his throat.
Desire sparked, hot and strong, making it a sheer determination of will to keep from pulling over and lifting her onto him. He wanted to explore her, savor every inch of her body, worship it the way it deserved. All of which he couldn’t do from the front seat of a car.
Her fingers massaged and crawled up and down the bulge, finally closing around his length. The car drifted, and he quickly corrected the wheel, bringing his hands back to ten and two.
Olivia giggled, andGodthe things he was going to do to her. But right now, he needed to get to his place in one piece. He rested his hand on hers, peeling her off him. She protested with a moan of disappointment.
“Let me get us there safely, and then you can explore as much of me as you’d like.”
“You’re a safety-first kind of guy, then?”
He kissed her knuckles and flashed her a smile. “Always.”Shit.His hands tightened on the steering wheel as realization dawned on him. “There wouldn’t happen to be any gas stations open now would there?”
“Not in town. Why?” She leaned over, her fruity floral scent making his already hard dick even harder. “You have three quarters of a tank.”
He groaned as he shoved his urges down. “I don’t need gas.”
“Then why do you need…” Understanding dawned on her face. “Oh! Condoms. Duh. No worries.” She reached into her monogrammed bag and pulled out an unopened box. “I have some.”
His eyebrow lifted without prompt.
“Not that I planned tonight or anything,” she said. “Harper gave them to me. She had extra.” Every time Harper went on a date, she made sure to be prepared. Unfortunately, most of the dates were duds, and she was just accumulating a large collection of unused, unopened condoms since she kept forgetting to keep the boxes in her car.
He snatched the condoms from her hand and slipped them into his pocket. “You guys are really close, huh?”
Olivia nodded. “Harper and Isla are like sisters to me. Except they don’t snap at me as much as my own sister does, they don’t borrow my clothes and get stains on them, and they don’t guilt trip me nearly as much as Cindy does.”
“Is Cindy older or younger?”
“Older. She’s married. My brother-in-law Zane is a saint. My sister can be a bit of a pain in the ass. Then there’s Jolie, my niece. We call her, Jojo. She’s my little buddy.”
Shane listened as Olivia spoke about her family, warmth and love flowing through her tone.
“You’re lucky,” he said, “to have so many people care about you.”
“What about you? I know your mom passed, and obviously you never knew your dad, but any other family other than the McConnells? Friends you left behind in California?”
Shane ran a hand over his face. All his friends were dead, and it was the reason he steered clear of making new ones. Until he came to Morgan’s Bay, and Olivia so effortlessly planted herself into his life.
“I have a great uncle in Portugal, but he’s old, and when I call, he has a hard time remembering who I am.”
“What about friends?”
If Shane told her about his friends, then he would have to tell her about his childhood and how he lived in and out of hospitals. It was a time in his life that was very much a part of him. Disregarding that part of his life would be the equivalent to cutting off one of his limbs. But that didn’t mean he liked to talk about it. Given the option, he would keep that part of him to himself.
He liked the way Olivia looked at him, and he didn’t want her to feel sorry for him. He didn’t want her to know the pain and uncertainty that his childhood illness caused nor those same emotions that followed him into adulthood.
Luckily, the house came into view. He pulled into the driveway and killed the engine. Instead of answering Olivia, he reached across the console, snaked his hand around her head, and crashed his lips to hers. A surprise moan slipped from her throat and muffled against their lips. He thrust his tongue inside her mouth, going deep, licking and tasting, taking his fill.
Pressure built in his balls, and his cock throbbed with need. With all the things he wanted to do to her, he needed her inside, away from the prying eyes of the neighborhood. He forced himself to pull back from the sweet taste of her lips and fling his door open. He was around to the passenger side before she even had a chance to react.
He had every intention of scooping her up, but Olivia didn’t give him a chance. She leapt from her seat and into his arms, driving him backward with a force that triggered the ravenous animal inside him. He gripped Olivia’s ass as her legs wrapped securely around his center. He managed to swat the door shut before carrying her toward the house.
Her teeth bit into his lip, pain and pleasure battling it out. Her tongue swiped against the tender flesh before dipping into his mouth, searching and exploring. Their tongues met in hot strokes, fueling the growing inferno flaring to life inside him.