Page 14 of Comp's Chance
I’m not sure if I should be here or not. This seems like club business. Maybe I should get Paisley and head back inside… but the next words have my knees buckling.
“Comp’s been taken. His bike was found on the side of a deserted road… there was blood.”
Ispit another mouthful of blood to the side. These fuckers have been trying to get information out of me for days now. I’ve lost count of how long I’ve been here. They brought someone in to clean my gunshot wound, not properly, I might add, on the first day. I’m almost positive it's infected, and I’m still losing blood, albeit slowly.
“Have you guys ever actually done this before?” I ask the two young fuckers standing in front of me. I haven’t seen the cop since he shot me. I have no clue where I am or if my club knows I’m missing.
I don’t take trips often, but when I do, I always leave for a few days, cut my phone and computer off, and just get lost. Working with technology every fucking day is exhausting, and sometimes I need a week off the grid to just get my head back on. Granted, I didn’t intend to take a week off this time. I wanted to get back to Sunny as fast as fucking possible, but my Prez didn’t know that. Fuck, I'm so damn screwed.
“He’ll be here in less than an hour. If we don’t get the info from him, we don’t get paid,” one guy mutters. These guys are fucking idiots. They continue hitting and kicking me until I feel a hit to the gunshot wound. I grunt, trying not to let them knowthat fucking hurt, but it did. It hurt like a fucking bitch, and I can't fight away the darkness that overcomes me. I don’t really want to. After days of this shit, I’ll take any reprieve I can get.
“What the fuck do you mean you haven’t got anything from him?” I hear a voice ask as I slowly come back awake. I keep my eyes closed, wondering what’s about to go down. They have been asking me the same questions repeatedly, but I refuse to tell them anything. They don’t know I would die before giving away Sunny and Paisley's location.
“I mean, he’s fucking strong. We’ve done everything we can think of. Hit, kicked, punched, sliced, shot. Hell, we even pulled three fingernails off, but the guy just grunted and smirked. What the hell else do you want us to do?” one of the asshole whines, actually fucking whines.
“Give me that damn knife. I’ll do it myself,” I hear grunted before my head is lifted by my hair, and I open my eyes. The ones staring back at me have me fucking shaking. Paisley’s eyes, but on the face of a fucking cunt.
“You know who I am?” he asks me. I smile as best as I can.
“Some pussy who pays other men, or should I say boys, to do their dirty work?” I quirk a brow at him. He rears back and punches me in the gut. He even hits like a little bitch. I just lift my head and again raise a brow at him. If that’s all he's fucking got, no wonder he hired the two boys behind him.
“I know you know who I am… and I know who you are, Nix Tempt. I also know you’ve been looking into me, and that club of yours is hiding my whore of an ex and my child,” he says, seething. I stare at him until his face is nearly purple.
What the fuck does he want me to say?
“Where are they?” he asks through clenched teeth.
“Man, you haven't wanted them for nearly eight years. Now you're pissed off cause she moved on? Sounds to me like you wanted her to sit around and wait for you. Too bad,” I say,shrugging. I want to piss him off. I want to push his buttons. I want to make sure that if he kills me right here, I haunt his fucking dreams.
“She hasn’t moved on. That bitch has been stuck on me since high school,” he says.
Good, I've got him questioning himself.
“Pfft, that's not what she told my brothers and me. In her words, you had to beg on your knees to get a piece of that perfection, then you couldn’t keep it in your pants, so she dumped your sorry ass. She had been living in near bliss till you and your used-up pussy of a fiance showed up at her doorstep. Tell me, really, who’s been hanging on since high school?” I ask him.
“Fuck you. That bitch was a one-time deal, and she was begging for it. Lousiest lay I’ve ever fucking had. Bitch was like a cold fish,” he says defensively. I noticed he didn’t bring up his current bitch after my remark. That alone tells me everything I need to know.
“Ohhh… now I know you're lying. That woman is a fucking freak in the sheets. She's wild, untamed, hot, wet, and fuck is she so damn tight. Comes like the fucking rainforest.” I only stop when he punches me in the jaw. This time, I can't hold in the chuckle. Yeah, this fucker still wants Sunny. My guess is he tried to win her back over the years, but she shut that shit down.
“No way she would let an ugly monster son of a bitch like you between her thighs,” he says, chest heaving.
“Monster, yes, but she likes to call me a beast. Especially between the sheets,” I say, wagging my eyebrows. “You know, she was almost virginal tight the first time I took her. You know what that tells me, Jason boy?” I look pointedly down at his crotch and give it a sympathetic look. He screams before coming at me with the knife. Luckily, though, he gets a little too close.
I rear my head back before bringing it forward, right into his nose. There, that should leave a pretty mark for his Mayoral campaign. He falls back, crying and grabbing his nose. I chuckle again, enjoying his pain. It doesn’t last nearly long enough before he's rising to his feet, wiping the blood from his nose and the tears from his eyes.
“Get his shirt off. We’re going to give him a few more scars,” the dickhead says, smiling coldly. Whatever the fuck he’s got, bring it. I will never tell him shit.
The two guys walk close to me but take a step back when they catch the deadly look on my face. That’s right, fuckers, remember me.
“Fuck, if you can't handle this shit, you really are the most worthless fuckers around,” Jason says, walking up to me, making sure not to get too close, before slicing right down the middle of my shirt, scraping across my skin. Yeah, there goes more blood.
“I’ll just leave a little message right here for her. You won't mind, will you? You won't have to be there for her to get the message. She can see it on your corpse,” Jason says before digging the knife into my skin. I grunt every once in a while, but I refuse to give this fucker the satisfaction of knowing he caused me pain.
Once he’s done, he steps back, looking at my left side, the once unmarred side of my body. He’s admiring his handy work, and I just want to slit his throat.