Page 15 of Comp's Chance
“That should do it. Alright, boys. I got your money in the car. You two to stay, make sure he’s dead, then get the hell out of here,” Jason says, handing the knife to one of the punks before heading out of the room. I close my eyes, tired of this room, tired of these fuckers. For once, I’m not okay with the prospect of death.
I have something to live for… but the choice is no longer mine.
“What the fuck? So we get to tromp through the fucking woods looking for a cabin in the middle of bum fuck Egypt while everyone else gets to stay out? This fucking blows. Did you see the ass on the guy I was talking to? Damn, I wanted to take a bite out of that peach,” my twin, Mania, says, groping in front of him with his hands before thrusting it in the air. Fuck, he’s such an idiot. I still can't stop the smile from breaking out on my face.
“Ghost gave me the coordinates. You know we are the best trackers, plus he’s probably still paying us back for that last mission,” I say, wincing.
Mania and I are badass, former special ops and current bikers, along with a small group of our brothers. Some we met while serving together in the military, and some Ghost picked up along the way. Either way, we are a club, brothers, and fucking amazing at what we do. However, sometimes when Mania and I get together, things get…. Tasmanian. But we always take our missions seriously.
Mania and I may fight and goof off ninety percent of the time, but when it comes to missions, we are just as serious and deadly as our other team members. The last mission we were on,though, had a few hiccups. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say if Mania hadn’t acted as fast as he did, my brains would still be splattered across the wall. Ghost was pissed, as he should have been. I let my guard down for only a second, but it was long enough.
We finally see the cabin in the distance. Scouting out the place, we keep our voices nearly inaudible except to each other as we survey.
“One truck, no other vehicles,” Mania says, crouching low.
“Two men, front porch, smoking. Take them down, quietly, then through the house,” I tell him.
We give each other a nod before going our respective ways. He goes to the left side of the porch, and I go to the right. One of the main reasons Ghost sends us on these gigs is that we don’t have to communicate most of the time. I can feel what he’s thinking and vice versa. Freaky twin shit for the win. Either way, it's our specialty. I reach my side before slowly moving up the porch through the shadows. These fuckers have no idea what they’re doing. This has to be one of their first jobs because they’re sitting around just shooting the shit, not once looking around at their surroundings.
“Dude, so you finally got a piece of that ass? Man, Lacy is so hot,” one of them says.
“Yeah, I did, but let's just say it wasn’t entirely… consensual,” the fucker and his buddy laugh.
I see fucking red. They’re really bragging about raping a poor girl? We might have let them live. They seem young and dumb, but now? Fuck that. I know Mania is probably in the same headspace as I am, so I wait for my opening. Luckily, it doesn’t take long, and then I pounce. I watch my brother do the same to the other guy, and before they know it, we’re holding their throats from behind.
“So, you not only like to kidnap and probably torture, just a guess, other people. You also like to rape women,” I say right against the fucker's ear. He’s shaking like a leaf, and I can see the fear on the other fucker's face. That’s right, bitch, you ain't getting out of this one.
“You know, my brother and I were just at a bar when we got the call to come to take care of you fuckers. I was five seconds from having my dick deep in the bartender's throat. My brother was nearly balls-deep in some hot as fuck cowboy. You both ruined our plans,” Mania says.
“Since we had to come to deal with this, and since you two fuckers are so pro-rape. Maybe we can just take our… frustrations out on you. You have a nice little ass back here,” I say to the guy I'm holding.
In all reality, I would never—and I do mean never—stick my dick anywhere near either of these cunts. Still, they don’t know that, and fucking with their heads is the fucking cherry on top of this little fear sundae. Maybe this trip was worth it after all. I listen as the one I’m holding starts pleading and apologizing. Then I see Mania whisper something to the other fucker before placing a soft kiss on his cheek. The fucker pisses himself. I am not getting piss on my boots.
I look over at my brother, give him a nod, and he nods back before we both take the position and snap the fucker's necks simultaneously. I look down at their feet, and my eyes widen at the duffle bag full of money on the ground at their feet.
“Dude! Look, we’re rich!” I say, bending down and shuffling through the bag.
“You know we have to give that money to Ghost, right?” Mania says, looking at the bag longingly.
“Butttt buttt whyyyyy?” Yes, I am well aware I am whining, but you would too if you saw how much money was here.
“Because it could be traceable. Because we ain’t hurting for money anyway, and most importantly, because Ghost is a scary fucker, and I ain’t chancing it,” he replies dryly.
“Yeah, you’re right. He’s scary and has eyes everywhere. Shit, you don’t think he heard me say that first part, do you?” I ask, looking around for cameras or, hell, for Ghost himself to walk out of the woods with a disapproving scowl. I shudder before leaving the bag where it is and standing.
We both make quick work of hiding the bodies before pulling our guns and making our way through the house. It's completely deserted and empty save for the guy tied to the chair in the back room, blood and bruises covering every inch of him. Fuck, he’s in rough shape. There’s no question that this is the man Ghost sent us to save. He’s barely able to open his eyes, whether from exhaustion or blood loss, I’m not sure, probably both. I pull my phone from my pocket, giving my brothers a location. We’ll need help getting this guy out of here without killing him. Of course, Mania has to try to lighten the situation.
“Well, hello there, handsome. Look at you all slick, tied up, and ready for me to play with! All those scars and muscles on display have me drooling. Brother, do you want to take a shot first, or do I get dibs?” he says while the guy stares on with confusion.
“What in the fuck?” he groans, closing his eyes again. I take mercy on him.
“I’m Taz, and this is Mania. We’re the calvary!”