Page 19 of Raptor
I hate that he does that. He gets her hopes up that there could be more between them and then pulls the rug from under her when he walks away without a second glance.
"What about Maverick?" I ask. Her cousin has been a lot more present lately, which I love.
"I think having him around more has Dad backing off me. It wouldn't look good if I had bruises. Maverick would instantly know what's happened."
I harrumph. "The bastard's too damn sly. He damn well knows what he's doing. I really wish Maverick would find out. He'd kill your dad and we can all be happier."
Jess shakes her head. "I love you, Mallory."
I rest my head on her shoulder. "I love you too."
The swish of the doors opening has my gaze moving toward the woman hurrying toward us. "I'm so sorry I'm late. Have you been seen yet?"
"Ma, calm down," I say as I take in her red, blotchy face and panicked expression. "The nurse is running late. You're on time."
The beaming smile she gives me makes my heart fill with love and warmth. "Thank God for that," she says, blowing out a heavy breath. "Jessica love, how are you?"
Jess gets to her feet and hugs Ma. "I'm good, Jayne, thanks."
"So what are we thinking?" Ma asks. "Boy or girl?"
"Either," I reply, laying my hand on my ever-growing bump. "Healthy."
Ma nods, pride shining in her eyes. "You're going to make an amazing ma, Mallory. I'm so very proud of you."
I shake my hand at her. "Don't you dare make me cry," I hiss as tears sting the backs of my eyes.
Jess laughs. "I have a feeling that Mal's having a boy."
Ma nods in agreement. "I do too. Either way, boy or girl, they'll be loved dearly."
I swallow hard. She's right, my baby is going to be so loved. I can't wait to meet him or her. I just hate that Raptor won't know about the baby. I don't want to tell him over the phone.It's a life changing moment and doing it when he's thousands of miles away from us isn't the best way to do it. If he's not here in fifteen weeks, then I'll tell him. Until then, I'm going to continue as things have been.
"Miss Reagan?" the nurse calls out, and I rise to my feet. "Hello, Mallory, how are you feeling?" she asks once we're in the room.
"Good; a lot more energetic than I was at the beginning of the pregnancy."
She smiles. "Are the baby's movements frequent?"
I nod. "Yep, especially first thing in the morning. I swear, one of these days I'm going to end up wetting the bed when the baby kicks my bladder."
Ma laughs. "I remember those days."
"If you can lift your top, we'll be able to get a good look at the baby."
I lie back on the bed, lifting the hem of my t-shirt over my bump and holding it there. I wince as the cold jelly hits my stomach. "Sorry," the nurse says sheepishly as she begins to scan along my belly.
The sound of my baby's heartbeat fills the air and I'm fixated on the screen, watching as my baby moves.
"He's a kicker, that's for sure," the nurse says, and I gasp at her words. She smiles brightly as she waves the wand over my boy. "Congratulations, Mallory, you're having a boy. The measurements are right on track for this stage of the pregnancy."
I'm unable to keep the smile from my face. God, I'm so damn happy. I never knew this type of happiness could exist. I'm already so in love with my son. I have no idea how that's possible, but it's true.
The nurse continues to take measurements and I turn to see Ma smiling, her eyes filled with tears as she watches her grandson on the screen. Jess has her cell out and is takingpictures, something I should have thought to do, but I'm grateful that she has done so.
"All done. As I said, everything seems to be on track. You know the drill: anything—and I mean anything at all—feels off, you come straight up to the maternity ward. Don't wait around. It's always best to be safe." She hands me some ultrasound pictures, all while smiling. I can't imagine how rewarding this job is, to let parents know about their babies. Although it must be devastating to deliver the worst news possible to expectant parents.
"Thank you so much," I say as I try to get off the bed. Ma reaches out and helps me off. "Have a wonderful day."