Page 20 of Raptor
"You too," the nurse replies as she opens the door for us to leave.
"I knew it." Jess claps as we exit the hospital. "I knew it was a boy."
Ma laughs. "Any ideas on a name yet, Mal?"
I nod. "I've been thinking about this for a long time and I've decided on Shay."
Both Jess and Ma beam. "I love it," Ma says softly. "I think it's perfect."
"Me too," Jess whispers. "I'm so very proud of you, Mal, Your mam's right, you're going to be the best mam ever. Maverick's here now to collect me, but I'll call you tomorrow and we'll set up a coffee date?"
I pull her into my arms, holding her tight. "Definitely," I promise her.
We walk her to Maverick's car and watch as they drive away. I'm glad she has Maverick to protect her now. I feel a little better about her leaving these days. I just pray that she's going to find a way to escape.
"We're going shopping," Ma tells me as she links her arm through mine. "We've got things to purchase before the little man arrives."
I laugh. She's so giddy and I love that.
I glanceat the car behind us. It's been on our tail for at least forty minutes and it's making me paranoid. I see the northern registration on the car and begin to breathe deeply. It can't be. Can it?
"Mallory, what's wrong?" Ma asks as we stop at a traffic light. "Sweetie, what's going on? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Ma, is that one of the O'Learys behind us?" I ask, my voice shaking. I have a tight grip on the door handle.
Ma looks in the rearview mirror, her eyes squinting as she concentrates. "Yes, that's Micah. Why?"
My entire body begins to tremble and I feel as though I'm about to throw up. God, this can't be happening.
"Mallory, sweetie, I need you to tell me what's happened."
Before I'm able to speak, the car behind us moves to the left of us. He's right by my window, a sinister grin on his face. I watch in horror as he slowly runs his thumb along his throat. It's a clear threat. God, he's going to kill me.
Ma drives off, running the red light. "Ma," I cry.
"No," she says, her voice hard. "That man has just threatened you. How do you know him?"
I'm still trembling. God, I didn't want this to happen. I had hoped it wouldn't, but it has.
I tell Ma everything that happened last week. Everything that's happened to Jess spews out of me like word vomit. I just can't keep it in.
"Why didn't you tell me any of this? God, poor Jess. How the hell was that man allowed to hurt her?"
"You can't tell anyone, Ma. Please," I urge her, knowing how hurt Jess would be knowing it was me who spilled my guts.
"I won't, but if anything else happens to her, I won't keep quiet. Do you understand?"
I nod, grateful she's given me that. "What about Micah?"
Her lips twist into a snarl. "We can't stay at the house any longer, Mal. He'll know where we live. I won't take any chances right now. The moment we're home, we have thirty minutes. Grab whatever you need, anything important, and then we're leaving. Do you understand?"
I nod, confused by how direct she's being. It's almost as though she's been waiting for something like this to happen.
"Sweetie, your father was part of the Kelly’s organization. I've always wondered if something could happen to us. I've always had an exit strategy. Everyone needs one."
I'm in shock. Confused and hurt. She's never said that about my dad before.
"He was a bastard," she hisses. "He was close to Sean Kelly Senior, love, and he was cheating with any woman who gave him the time of day."