Page 21 of Raptor
I shake my head. "Why didn't you tell me?"
She reaches across and grabs my hand. "I didn't want you to hate him as I had done."
"Where is he?" I ask, wondering if he's close by.
"I don't know. I lost track of him when you were eight. I haven't heard from him since then."
"He could be dead then?"
She's silent, and I know that means yes.
"Where will we go?" I ask, wondering if we're leaving Dublin.
"Let me worry about that. You focus on you and Shay. I have everything else under control."
I nod, grateful she's here. I'm not sure what would have happened if she weren't.
God, I'm terrified. Micah isn't going to stop. He's out for blood. I just pray that he doesn't get it.
Chapter 9
"Yo, Raptor," Prez calls as I enter the kitchen. "You busy, brother?"
I shake my head. "Not right now," I tell him. I'll be heading to the custom ride shop soon. There are a couple of bikes that need to be finished before the big order begins.
"Good. I need you to get your shit together. Your flight leaves in a few hours."
I blink. "What?" The fuck is he talking about? What flight? Where the hell am I flying to?
"Brother, your flight to Ireland leaves in a few hours. You've got to get your stuff. I ain't shippin' that over."
I laugh at his words. "Funny, Prez, but I ain't goin' anywhere yet. We've got custom rides that need to be finished before the big order begins. I ain't leavin' you short."
He shakes his head. "You won't be. We've got it covered. Rush and Cage finished those customs last night. They've both learned from the best. You. So they're more than capable of takin' over from you when the order starts. So pack your bags, brother. You're goin' to Ireland."
I stare at the man who’s not only my president, but my brother, a friend. "You serious?" I ask, my heart racing. Fuck... Can it be true? Am I actually heading for Dublin?
"Deadly. Now don't take this to mean we don't want you here. You're goin' to be a tough act to follow, brother, but you’re needed with Py, Wrath, and Preach. They've done well recruitin' but they're nowhere near where they need to be. We all know your mind is in Dublin, on Mallory. So, brother, go find your woman and tie her to the fuckin' bed," he says with a laugh while shaking his head. "That woman blows hot and cold, but I get it. Long distance ain't for everyone. Now, you don't have to be. Just make sure she's worth it."
He has no fucking idea just how worth it Mallory truly is. The woman is all I fucking think about. She's still not answering her calls or texts. I haven't spoken to her since the night she called. But she's doing okay. Pyro's keeping an eye on her through Chloe. They haven’t seen her in months but have spoken to her daily. She's alive and doing okay, according to Chloe. I'll feel better once I'm in Dublin and can see for myself.
"Best get to packin', brother. You haven’t got long and there's no fuckin' way you're leavin' without saying goodbye to everyone. So you'd best get to it."
I shake my head, still trying to wrap my head around this shit. "This your idea?" I ask.
"Not entirely. I think Rush was the mastermind behind it all. That fucker's been workin' his ass off."
That's for sure. While I've been working on customs for the past few months, I've had both Rush and Cage with me, teaching them the ropes. They're both fast learners and now they're able to build bikes themselves, and they're fucking good at it. Leaving New York, I'll know that I won't be leaving my brothers in the lurch. They've got Rush and Cage to help out when things getbusy. Both boys are going to make the Vipers a lot of fucking money.
"Go," Ace urges. "Get your stuff packed and then say goodbye to the women."
I laugh. I know the women are going to cry. They've been a part of the club for years, and I've helped each of them throughout that time. They're like sisters to me. Saying goodbye ain't going to be easy, but what I have waiting for me in Dublin is going to be more than fucking worth it.
I don't hang around. I head to my bedroom, surprised to find Rush standing by my door. "You good, brother?" I ask.
He nods, a big old smile on his face. "I'm good. Wanted to see if you needed a hand."