Page 13 of Traitors Gate
‘Bless you,’ the priest responded, but it was still another hour before they finally departed, along with a further blessing.
As Beth drove off, Arthur looked out of the window and waved at the old lady. Once she was out of sight, he remarked, ‘That woman is not quite as naïve as she would have you believe. I have a feeling, Beth, she knew exactly who she was seeking advice from when she got in touch with you.’
MRBOOTHWATSON SPENT SOMEconsiderable time preparing questions on a yellow pad in front of him, along with several arrows pointing in different directions depending on Mrs Lomax’s responses.
He’d already decided that if she accepted his offer of a million pounds for the gallery along with its stock, he would raise the money privately and sell it on to Miles for a million and a half, guaranteeing them both a worthwhile return. If she pushed him beyond his limit, he still intended to offer the deal to Miles and charge him ten per cent for his services. Either way he would make a handsome profit. He decided not to call Mrs Lomax before eleven, as he didn’t want to appear overenthusiastic.
He ran through the questions one more time before picking up the phone. It took several rings before his call was answered.
‘Buckingham 2418.’
‘Good morning, Mrs Lomax,’ said Booth Watson warmly.‘I was calling to ask if you’d had time to consider my offer of a million pounds for your husband’s company?’
‘More than enough time,’ replied Mrs Lomax without hesitation, ‘and I’ve decided to turn it down.’
‘I could possibly increase my offer,’ said Booth Watson, following an arrow across the page, ‘to, say, one and a half million. But I fear that would be my limit.’
‘I’m afraid you’re too late, Mr Booth Watson,’ she said. ‘I’ve already accepted an offer of two million from another party, with whom I think you’re well acquainted.’
It took Booth Watson only moments to work out who that had to be.
‘Along with a donation of ten thousand for the church’s restoration fund,’ she added for good measure.
Booth Watson slammed down the phone and quickly picked it back up again, while at the same time searching for a number on his Rolodex. He began to dial the new number which seemed to take forever to answer.
‘Midland Bank,’ said a voice.
‘Craig, it’s Booth Watson.’
‘Good morning, sir, how can I assist you?’
‘That cheque for a thousand pounds made out to Buckingham Parish Church. I’d like to put a stop order on it.’
A long silence followed before Craig said, ‘I’m afraid that cheque was cleared earlier this morning.’
Booth Watson slammed the phone down a second time, opened the top drawer of his desk and stared down at the cellophane packets that Miles had supplied if Christina had spotted the advertisement in theNew York Times, and more importantly, recognized the Rubens. Perhaps she had?
• • •
Beth was the first to arrive for their annual lunch at the Ritz. Although she and Christina met regularly, Beth would allow only one partners’ meeting a year to be charged on expenses, especially when Christina chose the venue.
The maître d’ guided his guest across the elegant belle époque dining room to a table by the window overlooking Green Park. Beth wasn’t surprised Christina was late. For her, a watch was an accessory, not a timepiece. However, it gave Beth a little more time to think about how she would break the news to her friend.
‘Champagne, madam?’ asked a hovering waiter.
‘No, thank you,’ replied Beth. ‘A glass of tap water will be fine.’ The maître d’ quickly left her to deal with customers who didn’t consider tap water was for drinking. Beth studied the menu and had already decided which salad she would select by the time Christina appeared at the entrance wearing a tight-fitting bright orange dress that testified to how many hours she spent on the treadmill. Beth couldn’t recall seeing the dress before, though in truth she’d never known her friend wear the same outfit twice and wondered just how many wardrobes there must be in her flat. She then noticed Christina’s shoes. Imelda Marcos would have been proud of her.
When Christina spotted her seated by the window, she began to weave her way across the room as if it were her personal catwalk, which achieved its purpose as several male heads turned to take a second look, and some a third, long before she reached her destination. She bent down and kissed her friend on both cheeks, as a glass of champagne appeared by her side, without needing to be ordered.
‘You’re looking gorgeous, my darling,’ gushed Christina, although Beth was well aware she was once again playing Amelia Sedley to her friend’s Becky Sharp. ‘I can’t wait tofind out how our little enterprise has flourished this year,’ she added before taking a sip of champagne.
‘Shall I start with the good news or the bad news?’ Beth enquired.
‘Let’s begin with the good news,’ responded Christina. ‘As I have a feeling I already know the bad.’
‘Up until about a month ago, we were showing a reasonable return on your investment, without a great deal for me to report,’ began Beth. ‘That was until a ripe apple fell from an unlikely tree right into my lap.’ Christina put down her glass. ‘An apple that not only produced an unexpectedly juicy return but had the added bonus of leaving our mutual friend, Mr Booth Watson QC, out of pocket.’