Page 14 of Traitors Gate
Christina sat up, suddenly more attentive.
‘The Lomax Gallery in Jermyn Street,’ continued Beth, ‘has recently come on the market following the untimely death of its proprietor, Gordon Lomax. Sotheby’s have valued the gallery’s stock at around a million pounds, but the corner site turned out to be worth at least another million.’
‘But we don’t have that sort of capital at our disposal,’ interrupted Christina.
‘True,’ admitted Beth, ‘but my father does. However, as he had no interest in the gallery’s stock, I sold the pictures to Agnews for a million as Dutch landscapes have never been my bag.’
‘Where’s the profit?’
‘Patience,’ said Beth. ‘My father then sold the gallery’s long lease back to the Crown Estate for one million two hundred thousand, making a profit of two hundred thousand, which he split with me.’
‘So we made a profit of one hundred thousand!’ said Christina, unable to hide her delight.
‘And that doesn’t include the seventy-four thousand the company made this year, giving you an overall return of eighty-seven thousand.’ Beth opened her briefcase, pulled out a cheque and handed it over to her partner.
‘Thank you, my darling,’ said Christina, before adding, ‘But where does Booth Watson fit in?’
‘He tried to swindle an old widow out of her inheritance and ended up a thousand pounds out of pocket.’
‘Do you think he was acting on Miles’s behalf?’
‘No, I suspect he forgot to brief Miles on this occasion.’
‘He went behind his back?’ queried Christina.
‘Try not to sound too surprised. After all, you’ve done so on more than one occasion.’
‘Touché,’ came back Christina. ‘So, what’s the bad news?’ she asked after she’d checked the noughts and deposited the cheque in her bag.
Beth took a sip of water before she continued. ‘I’ve had a letter from Sir Nicholas Fenwick to let me know that the Fitz is looking for a new director and he hoped I’d apply for the post.’
‘And will you?’ asked Christina, trying to keep her tone casual.
‘I haven’t made up my mind yet,’ admitted Beth. ‘Not least because I’m no longer sure I want the job.’
‘But you’ve wanted to run a major gallery for as long as I’ve known you,’ said Christina, hoping to be contradicted.
‘True, but that was before we set up our company. If I were to become the next director of the Fitz, it would mean taking a fifty per cent cut in salary while only occasionally having supper with my children and probably only seeing my husband at weekends.’
Christina tried not to think about the even bigger drop inher income if their partnership was dissolved. She began to think carefully about how to play her cards, remembering BW’s ‘strings attached’ offer.
‘Though I confess,’ continued Beth, ‘I would enjoy the challenge of running one of the nation’s most prestigious galleries – who wouldn’t?’
I wouldn’t, thought Christina, as her mind began working overtime before she played her first card. ‘Whatever you decide,’ she eventually managed, ‘I’ll back you to the hilt, and don’t forget, I’m still on the board, so should be able to persuade any doubters.’
‘That could make all the difference,’ said Beth, ‘because I’m told that one or two heavyweights have already applied for the position, so it’s not exactly a done deal.’
‘They won’t get my vote,’ promised Christina, who intended to find out who else was on the shortlist the moment she got home.
‘That’s very generous of you,’ said Beth, ‘remembering you have even more to lose than I do.’
‘It’s the least I can do after all you’ve done for me, Beth.’ Christina was already wondering if she could arrange it so that Beth didn’t even get onto the shortlist. A plan was beginning to form in her mind as the head waiter reappeared by their side.
‘Louis,’ Christina said as she handed him back the menu, ‘I’m slimming, so I’ll just have the Beluga caviar, followed by the Dover sole.’
‘An excellent choice, madam,’ he said before turning to Beth. ‘And for you, madam?’
‘I’ll have a Caesar salad, Louis,’ she said as the sommelier poured her partner a second glass of champagne.