Page 30 of Forever Mr Black
My eyes slide to her. “Actually, speaking of Theo, Art said you’d told him Theo’s last name.”
She throws me an innocent look and shrugs. “So? What’s the harm in that?”
“Surely, you must have wondered why he wanted to know and why he hadn’t asked me what it was.”
Lucy taps her fingernails against the metal arm of her chair. “Well, I was hoping it was because he’d track Theo down to give him the kicking he deserves.”
I roll my eyes. “I knew it. Violence isn’t the answer.”
She raises an eyebrow. “It is where he’s concerned.”
I gaze into the rose garden. To fight fire with fire is just as bad. “You sound like Art.”
“Art’s talking sense then,” Lucy replies stoutly, picking her cup up. She sits back in the chair and shoots me a firm look. “Theo treated you like shit and deserves everything he gets, in my opinion.”
“I told him straight that I wasn’t going to meet him and that he needed to piss off. It seems to have worked. I don’t think we’ll be seeing him again,” I say hopefully.
I haven’t told Lucy that Art’s having Theo followed. She’d love the drama of it all. Besides, it’s been a few days, and there’s been no sign of him. He’s disappeared. Just like I hoped he would.
“Bloody good riddance to bad rubbish,” Lucy mutters crossly, taking a drink of tea.
My mobile vibrates against the tabletop, and Unknown flashes on the display. I frown. Who the hell is this?
Lucy looks at the phone and then to me. “Well, are you gonna answer it?”
“Hello, Sophie dear.”
I vaguely recognise the female voice but can’t put my finger on it. “Yes. Who’s speaking?”
“It’s Barbara.”
“Oh, hi, Barbara. Er … is everything okay?” I say, trying to work how she got my number.
Lucy raises her eyebrows.
“Yes, sorry for calling. I’ve a few questions about the engagement party, caterers and whatnot. Art suggested I speak to you and gave me your number. I hope you don’t mind.”
Barbara’s organising the whole thing for us. The very least I can do is speak to her about it.
“Yes, that’s fine, no problem.”
“Erm, right … let’s see.” I hear a rustling of paper in the background. “I’ve ordered a mix of vegetarian and vegan food from the caterers because I wouldn’t want to miss anyone out …”
“Yes, great idea,” I reply even though I don’t know any vegans but appreciate Barbara’s trying to cover all bases.
“And I’ve ordered ten boxes of white, red, and rosé wine and a crate of Bollinger …”
My eyes widen. She’s certainly gone to town on the alcohol.
“Erm, yes, that sounds lovely.”
“Fifty guests have confirmed they’re definitely coming …”
I throw a worried glance at Lucy, who’s smiling at my concern. “Great.”
“The fourteen-day weather forecast says it’s going to be sunny, so fingers crossed the weather’s kind, and we’ll host it outside in the garden.”