Page 31 of Forever Mr Black
“That sounds wonderful. Thank you so much for planning this all for us. It’s really nice of you.”
“Oh, it’s no problem at all, dear.” There’s a smile to her voice. “I can’t wait to meet your parents. I’m so looking forward to it.”
“Great. Thanks, Barbara.”
“Ohh, it’s going to be so lovely,” she says excitedly. “Bye, dear.”
I place my phone back down, going over what she just said.
“What did the mother-in-law want?” Lucy asks.
“There are fifty guests coming.”
“Sounds like it’s going to be some party.”
“Judging by all the booze, most definitely.”
I lift my cup to my lips and watch as George hurries across the courtyard, talking on his phone. He gives a cheery wave. We wave back and watch him hurry into the Orangery.
“Old Georgie’s looking uncharacteristically upbeat,” Lucy remarks.
“He’s found love.”
She pulls a face. “Really?”
“Stop it,” I scold. “He’s been on his own since his wife died. I think it’s lovely that he’s found someone.”
Lucy gives me a rueful look. “Yeah, I suppose. He can be a picky old sod, but he means well.”
My phone rings again.
Lucy sighs. “Bloody hell, that thing’s like the Bat phone. It’s not Barbara again, is it?”
This time, it’s my mum.
“Hi. Is everything okay?”
“Hi, Sophie love. It’s just a quickie because I know you’re at work. I’m in the middle of Marks and Spencer and need your advice.”
“Advice about what?”
“What sort of 'do' is this party going to be next week?”
I frown, unsure of what she’s getting at. “What do you mean? It’s an engagement party.”
“Yes, I know that, but is it going to be a formal or casual affair? I want to make sure I’m dressed appropriately. We can’t have the mother of the bride letting the side down.”
“Mum, you won’t let the side down, and I’m sure whatever you wear will be fine.”
“I’ve picked out two new dresses,” she carries on, ignoring me. “One’s more evening wear, and the other’s a bit more summery.”
“You don’t need to go to any trouble,” I assure her.
“It’s not trouble, love. Martin’s been on Google Maps and looked up Art’s mums' house … you didn’t tell me it was a mansion.”
I roll myeyes. Here we go again. “It’s not a mansion.”