Page 30 of Their Wicked Ways
“And to answer your question, yes. Wes and I were both each other’s first everything.” I tossed Gray a smirky smile.
“I can’t wrap my brain around that,” River said thoughtfully. “I mean, I get it in Zane’s case, but imagine only ever being with one person? Like the person you spend the rest of your life with is the only person you’ve had sex with?”
I glanced at Zane. He and Noah were together, but he’d never been with anyone else?
“I thought I was ace but realized I’m demi when I met Noah,” Zane said, his tone casual, like he was telling us his coffee order.
“It’s weird,” Jett said softly. “At least it was for me.”
“That’s right, you were pure as the fallen snow when you married your ex-wife,” River said.
Wes snapped his gaze to mine, his shock mirroring my own. Jett had an ex-wife, and he’d been a virgin when he married her? Was this a religious thing?
“Yup.” He picked a piece of tomato off his wrap and popped it in his mouth, his eyes on his food. “Don’t recommend it. It’s like the blind leading the blind, especially if you’re not compatible.”
“I feel like I should be shutting this conversation down.” Quinn glanced around, his gaze lingering on Jett. “Is that what a good boss would do?”
“Probably.” River grinned. “But you’re not a good boss. You’re our boss.”
Quinn laughed. “Good to know I’m not a good boss.”
“You know what I mean.” River pretended to flick something at him.
“Everyone still good for tonight?” Quinn asked, obviously trying to change the subject to something not so personal.
The other guys all nodded or offered various confirmations. I glanced at Wes.
Quinn had invited the crew over to his house for a barbeque before the rest of the guys went to work at the club. But it wasn’t just a work thing since Quinn had also invited his and his boyfriend’s families. If it had just been the crew, Wes and I would have politely bowed out, but Jesse had been blowing up our phones about going, and there wasn’t an excuse in the world that would fool our oldest friend. He’d know something was up with us the second we said no.
“We’re still a maybe,” I said evasively.
Jett visibly relaxed.
I glanced at Wes, who was concentrating on carefully folding up his sandwich wrapper so he wouldn’t have to look at anyone.
One barbeque didn’t have to be the end of the world. We’d go, hang out with Jesse, put in some face time with the crew, then head out early.
It should be fine.
“Areyou sure you don’t mind going?” Jett asked Ez, not quite meeting his eyes.
“Not at all.” Ez jingled his keys. “All set?” he asked me.
The crew had spent most of the day helping Jett move into his new apartment, and we’d volunteered to pick up a couch from one of his aunt’s friends.
Jett wrung his hands in front of him.
“Jett,” Ez said softly.
Jett looked at him, something I couldn’t read flickering in his expression.
“It’s no problem. Focus on getting everything set here, and we’ll be back in a bit.”