Page 31 of Their Wicked Ways
“Okay.” Jett cracked a small smile. “Thanks.”
Ez smiled reassuringly. “You’ve got this.”
“Do I?” Jett huffed out a laugh. “I feel like I’m doing this adulting thing wrong.”
“Pretty sure we’re all doing it wrong,” I said.
“I know I’m doing capitalism wrong,” Noah said as he and Zane came through the door carrying a huge box between them.
“I blame my ancestors.” Gray pushed his hair back from where it had fallen over his forehead. “Where’s my generational wealth? Isn’t that how you do capitalism?”
“No, no, no.” Zane halted. “Haven’t you heard? No one wants to work anymore. That’s why we’re all poor.”
“He says an hour before we have to head to our second jobs.” River looked up from where he was drawing something on one of Jett’s boxes with a Sharpie. “I thought it was because we drink too many lattes and blow all our money on luxuries like phones and food?”
“How dare we communicate or eat. We’re the literal worst.” Gray tossed a ball of rolled-up tape at River. “You gonna help or keep doodling?”
“Doodling.” River didn’t look up.
“Does anyone need a break?” Jett asked.
“I need a break.” Nick flopped down on the worn easy chair tucked into the corner of the living area. “Supervising you guys is hard.” He tilted his head back and looked at Gray. “Be a dear and get me a slice of pizza.” He batted his eyelashes prettily. “Please and thank you.”
“Yeah, not happening.” Gray marched over and sat on Nick’s lap.
“Oof.” Nick peeked around Gray’s bigger frame. “Does this mean someone else is getting my snack?”
“Children,” Zane said, coming out of the bedroom. “Do I need to separate you?”
“Sorry, Daddy,” Gray said with a cheesy grin, leaning back so the only parts of Nick I could see were his legs and the top of his blond head.
“Dare I ask?” Quinn came into the apartment carrying a giant garbage bag stuffed with what looked like clothes or linens.
“The kids are at it again.” Zane leaned against the wall.
“Aren’t they always?” Quinn made a big show of sighing. “River, are you drawing dicks on Jett’s boxes?”
“No comment,” River said, his Sharpie scratching over the cardboard.
“Nick, can you breathe?” Quinn asked.
Nick’s hand came out from behind Gray and gave everyone a thumbs up.
“And are you having fun?” Quinn asked Gray, his lips twitching as he tried to keep up his stern demeanor.
Gray pretended to look confused. “Whatever do you mean? I’m just taking a much-needed break. Nothing to see here.”
Ez caught my eye. I folded my lips inward to keep from laughing.
Life was never boring when the crew was around.
“We’re going to grab that couch from Jett’s aunts’ friends,” Ez said to Quinn. “Good luck with…everything.”
“It’s like herding cats,” Quinn said affectionately. “Never a dull moment.”
River started snickering at whatever he’d drawn on the box. Ez motioned for me to follow him out of the apartment while everyone was distracted.
“So, he’s been weird today, right?” I asked as we headed to the main entrance of the building.