Page 31 of The Councilor
Well, goody.
The Bratva. I couldn’t believe I was betrothed not just to some dude in the crime syndicate but the second in command. My boss. Someone in heaven hated me.
However, I would use this to my advantage against my father, making him feel the pain.
I wanted to jump up and down with glee and honestly would have had it not been for the continued realization I’d been sold off like cattle.
And to a man I’d respected. Formerly respected.
What the hell was the Councilor to the Pakhan? If I had to guess, I’d say it was a trusted position. That also meant Aleksander was even more dangerous than I’d suspected. Marrying him? What in God’s name did the man expect? Heirs. The thought made me nauseated, even more so than before since my fiancé had a name and a face.
Okay, so I was grateful the choice wasn’t some bald, old man. Aleksander looked even more handsome, power exuding from every word.
Plus, he’d defended me, at least a small check in the good category. But Christ. I’d found the perfect job as a steppingstone to my hopes and dreams. Now this. I had no idea what to think or how to deal with my anger and fear.
I was furious, enough that I ripped off the ugly dress that had been chosen for me, not caring that I’d torn the material in the process. At least I’d had the forethought of bringing my usual attire, jeans and a shirt.
Every action I made was filled with anger. There were so many things I wanted to say to Aleksander, but most weren’t appropriate in front of other people. But later? No holds barred. The man would get a piece of my mind.
Had my father and the man been planning this all along? The question was valid but given the way Aleksander had been incensed, I had certain doubts. But of all the places I could get a job? Sure, my besties would attribute my feeling in the dark to my lack of research skills, but like everyone else, I’d heard rumors about Aleksander’s involvement with the Bratva, but to what degree they were true I hadn’t been certain.
Now this. I hadn’t told my besties. What could I have told them? That my father was so old school he’d arranged a marriage to save his butt? They would never understand.
The few things I gave a shit about were inside the small duffle. I was nervous but if I was honest with myself in the least, I was also excited.
As I turned to scan the perimeter of a room I’d once loved, I couldn’t help but feel a hint of sadness and perhaps remorse. I’d been so wrong about my father. I had no idea how that had been possible.
“You’re going to make a beautiful bride.”
My mother’s voice made me bristle. “A few years too fucking early.” My words were terse as necessary. She’d turned such a blind eye to the man I doubted she could see past her nose. “What do you care anyway?” I jerked around to face her, a snarl forming as my upper lip curled.
“Don’t talk to me that way. I am your mother.” We shared the same level of nervousness and the tics that came along with it. It would seem she was more nervous than I’d seen her in a long time. Likely because my father had put the screws to her.
God, I hated that man.
“You don’t know how rough it’s been,” she whispered.
“Oh, yeah? Well, you’re not the one being forced to marry someone against their will.”
“Don’t you think that’s what I faced at a much younger age? I was told in no uncertain terms I would be marrying your father. In doing so, it would prevent a war. Which it did.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Then you should know what it feels like and not want that for your children. Do you know the bastard threatened me that he’d force Caspian into the business?” Well, it would seem she was surprised. Great. My father was keeping everything from her, something I’d refused to allow in my marriage.
Right. As if I had a choice. I suspected Aleksander was like all the rest. A control freak. The thought unnerved the hell out of me.
“I’m sorry, baby girl.” She approached and as soon as she touched my face, I flinched and pulled away.
“I’m no longer your baby girl, Mama. I’m a grown woman who should be able to make up her own mind, live her own life. You’re part of this and I will never forgive you as long as I live.” I moved around her, storming toward the door. At least I could get the hell out of here.
I stomped down the stairs, thankful I had my tennis shoes. Aleksander was going to need to take me as I was. No longer would I pretend to be anything or anyone else. I’d own up to my identity, but he was going to come clean for me or else.
After dropping my bag by the front door, I took a deep breath. Seeing my future husband walking toward me sent another wave of electricity all the way to my toes. We had a strange but intense connection and the vibes today were stronger than ever.
Seeing the way he was looking at me, his eyes full of lust was enough to take my breath away. A smile crossed his face as he gazed down to my tennis shoes, giving a nod of approval.
Not that I should care but at least he had an appreciation of the real girl inside.
He walked closer, although I’d call it more of a saunter. “Are you ready?”