Page 32 of The Councilor
“Where are we going?”
“Vadim will take us back to my house. Vadim, meet my bride to be. Vadim is Pakhan of our regime.”
Our regime. I thought enduring my father’s world was a pain in my ass. “Does that mean you’re as brutal as I’ve heard, eating your young for breakfast?”
Vadim chuckled, trying to keep his reaction to a minimum. I threw him a nasty look anyway, still agitated with the entire situation.
“Oh, we’re dangerous and very powerful, Raphaella, but unlike your father, we respect our women and children including the sanctity of marriage.”
The way Aleksander said my name sent a wave of prickling heat all the way to my core. “Is that supposed to make me feel any better? To think it’s okay to enter into an unholy marriage? Think again, buster.”
He kept the amused look on his face and I turned around in a huff.
“Let me get your bag. You don’t have anything else?”
“You know where I live, Aleksander Semenov. Not only did you force your way into my world, you also likely scoped out everything about me.” I grabbed the bag, forced to unlock the door before throwing it open. “Invading my privacy.” As soon as I was outside, one of Aleksander and Vadim’s goons climbed out of the front seat of a big black SUV.
There was zero creativity within mafia groups. Same attitudes. Same vehicles. Hell, the soldiers looked similar enough I wondered if they’d been found at
After the man opened the door, attempting to take the bag from my hands, I rolled my eyes and tossed the duffle into the back, sliding inside as if I owned the place. At least my ride to the devil’s estate could be done in style.
The SUV was huge, more so than a traditional one. The middle row had been flipped around so two thick, soft leather benches could face each other. While the windows had been darkly tinted, the coloration didn’t prevent me from seeing the surrounding scenery.
As expected, Vadim slipped onto the seat opposite while Aleksander eased beside me.
I moved as close to the opposing door as possible, holding my meager belongings close to my chest. It was funny, I didn’t care about the location where he lived. I wasn’t certain I wanted to know.
“Are you alright?” Aleksander dared to ask.
I simply turned my head slowly, glaring at him. How could he think I was okay with this on any level?
That prompted Vadim to laugh. When I gave him a hateful look too, he threw up his hands. I returned my attention outside, the darkness finally settling in.
“You have a tiger by the tail,” Vadim told him.
“She isn’t a pushover.”
Aleksander’s answer amused me. “Did you really think otherwise? What gave you that opinion, the fact I talk back to you? Did I seriously give you that vibe wearing my ugly clothes and fake glasses?”
“There’s nothing fake about you,” he answered with a softer voice.
The driver and his sidekick drove out of the neighborhood and a hint of regret about my entire life rushed through me. Tears even formed but I refused to cry and give anyone the satisfaction. “Whatever.”
Everyone remained quiet for several minutes as the drive took us toward the interstate.
“Do you think the man will honor his commitment?” Vadim asked, obviously the question directed at Aleksander.
“He will or face my wrath.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “You two have no clue about my father. He’s cunning in that he allows you to believe whatever you want. Then he’ll swoop in like a vulture, waiting for the bloody pickings.”
Aleksander chuckled. “And you know nothing about our organization, my sweet fiancée. Going against us isn’t in anyone’s best interest.”
“Right. Let’s cut the sweet fiancée crap. You and I both know this arrangement is disgusting. Just answer me this. Did you know who I was from day one? Did you lie waiting in glee to use me against my father’s regime?” This time, I threw him a nasty look, daring him to answer truthfully.
“No, I only learned your last name last night, finding your employee file on Shanna’s desk.”
“Sure. A powerful man like yourself thwarted by someone like my father. If you expect me to believe that, you are sorely mistaken. I can see right through you. Whatever you’re making off this, one day I’ll find enough money to claw my way out of my servitude. When I do, I’ll make it my life’s mission to destroy both of you.”