Page 25 of Bound For You
Crying, I whisper, “It’s okay, it’s okay.”
She nods and pulls back, wiping her eyes. “You had to have emergency surgery; he broke a rib that nicked your lung, but you’ll make a full recovery. You’ll just have to tell Sergi that you fell…if you’re not ready to tell him your past.” I nod, I knew the kicks did some damage. “The dean was suspended after several students came forward, stating he just stood there not helping you, believing a teacher after he attacked you. They started an investigation. Apparently, Professor Whitmore doesn’t even have a degree.”
My eyes widen at her words.
I whisper, “Shit,” realizing the dean didn’t do a thorough check on the man. She nods.
There’s a knock at the door. I expect to see a doctor, but I gasp in surprise as Mrs. Reeves walks in. She has tears in her eyes, and mine fill quickly. She smiles at Melanie, then walks over to the other side of my bed and takes a seat on the edge. She places a hand on my cheek and lets out a sob.
Guilt builds quickly, and I rasp, “How’d you find me?”
She shakes her head. “I’ve kept tabs on Ben Whitmore since he attacked you. I’ve been searching for you for the last seven years, Avery. I needed to make sure you were okay.”
Tears fall down my cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
She shakes her head again and leans forward, kissing my forehead.
“I know why you ran after Tony passed away.” She shakes her head. “Eight homes. I placed you in eight homes after you lost your mother, and that’s how many homes failed you. That’s how many times I failed you. You were starved, beaten, and used for child pornography. Ben would have raped you; he was selling you to child traffickers. The Gibsons became your everything, then Natalie passed, and Tony was the only family you knew. He was your world, and he died in your arms when you were only sixteen.” She takes a deep breath, and my tears fall faster as she continues, “I had a feeling you would run. It was why I was trying to find you a home, a good home. I just didn’t expect you to run at Tony’s funeral. I have been so worried about you.”
I hear Melanie sob. She was wearing a mask every day. The mean girl façade was just that, a façade to hide her demons like I hide mine by sticking to the shadows.
I whisper, “I’m okay; Dad made sure I had everything I’d ever need. I’m going to be a doctor, and I’m graduating two years early. And I met someone. He’s become my person, my everything. It’s like we’re meant to be. I’m finally happy.” I sniffle but continue, “I’m sorry I worried you. I should have left a letter, but it was all a rush after Dad’s heart attack. I didn’t mean to worry you, but I couldn’t go back into foster care, not after last time. I decided to run, and I’ve never been happier. This thing with Professor Whitmore…I didn’t make the connection because I had been dodging him; he gave off the creep vibe like the foster parents I had. He cornered me once, but I shoved himand ran. Today was the first time I fully looked at him, and I noticed the similarities to Ben. I managed to record the whole conversation.”
She nods. “The police have your phone, and hopefully, he’ll be put away with his brother.” I smile at her.
She stays for a little while, catching up. Before she leaves, she gives me her number, telling me to stay in touch, then hugs me gently. I look at Melanie, who hasn’t stopped crying. I move over on the bed and pat it, and she climbs on and wraps her arm around me, leaning her head against mine. I fall asleep like this.
A few days later, Melanie picks me up to take me home. The police came round and took my statement, handing me my phone back, and when I mentioned who my adopted dad was, they paid their respects. Apparently, he was well known in New York, too. The doctor says I only had one broken rib, the rest were only bruised so I was lucky, and I should be back to full strength in 3-6 weeks. So the next month or so I’m going to have to come up with excuses to not see Sergi. I hate lying to him but I’m not ready to explain my childhood and how it came back to bite me on the ass. It’s more than he bargained for, and I can’t lose him.
Melanie drops me off at home and asks if I need help, but I shake my head, and she glares at me, causing me to chuckle.
“I’ll be back tomorrow with your homework and some groceries—no complaining.” I smile and nod as she helps me inside, then leaves. I think I may have made an actual friend. I shake my head, smiling, and take my phone out. I text Sergi before taking a shower to wash the hospital smell from me.
Me: I love you and miss you. xoxox
He texts back instantly, making me smile.
My Love: Not as much as I love and miss you. baby.
Sergi – One Month Later
I’m pissed,I’m about to go to a meeting with the mafia heads and their seconds, the council, and Phoebe, who will be standing in for Juan, who keeps reminding me about our meeting next week, and all I want to do is see my girl.
Four weeks, that’s how long I’ve gone without her, and it’s making me jittery not seeing her. I finally told Phoebe all about her and she squealed, yes glowing in delight. She demanded to meet her. Damian, Al, and Sofia have also been pestering me, but I gave in to Phoebs like I normally do. So I asked my girl, who has been big on the avoidance lately, and she immediately said yes. I literally sighed with relief. She says she’s trying to build a friendship with Melanie, no idea why she would, but she is. My girl is all heart. I just want to see her now, though. I miss her. I miss her smell, her kisses, her pussy, her ass, her cooking, her everything. I just fucking miss her.
I pull up to the office and head inside to the meeting room, and see Damian and Al, and head over to them. We fist bump and I lean against the conference table. After about ten minutes,I’m ready to put a bullet in Alexandr’s head. I’m stressed the fuck out because I haven’t seen my girl, and he isn’t helping.
“Al, will you sit the fuck down!” I snap. He raises a brow at me, and I sigh, knowing I’m taking my frustration out on him. “She’ll be here any minute.”
Al sighs and nods. I know he’s worried she’ll leave him again; this is one of the many reasons why I refuse to tell Avery about my true self.
The door opens and the three elders enter. Dimitri, Stefano, and an elder from the Irish, Liam. They are all previous head of the families that have made up a council. We live by a code. For centuries, one man, a previous family head, if they haven’t been killed or died of natural causes, of each mafia, and a previous Pahkan in honor of the Bratva, group together as a council. They ensure the heads of each family stick to certain rules. If one of the rules is broken, then it’s an act of treason and will be dealt with by death.
Dimitri goes to Al and asks, “How are things?”
I zone out again, thinking of my love. Fuck, I need this meeting to hurry up so I can finally see her and kiss her. I’m brought back from my thoughts when the door opens again, and Noah walks in with Basil right behind him. Dimitri squeezes my shoulder as he walks past to take a seat, and Noah and Basil greet the men. I ignore Basil, he’s still on my shit list for how he’s treated Phoebe; Selene’s always right in his eyes, and its fucking pissing me off.