Page 26 of Bound For You
The door opensagain, and I smile as my cousin walks in with an air of confidence. She kisses Al, then comes to take a seat next to me. I will be acting as her second today instead of Damian’s for her safety, not that she needs it. She’s fucking badass.
Al takes a seat next to Damian as I sit on his other side with Phoebe next to me.
All eyes turn toward Damian, and I chuckle as Damian and Al smirk, knowing this is Phoebe’s show. All men around the table frown, looking at each other, confused.
Damian stands to get the meeting started. “Okay, gentlemen, let’s get this meeting started, shall we.”
A man who came with Noah clears his throat and questions, “Where’s Mihai?”
Damian looks at him. “Unfortunately, Patrick, he will not be joining us. Not only do the Romanians not give a crap about keeping the peace in these meetings, but it’s also about him.” He looks at each man and they nod in silent agreement, while Patrick bows his head out of respect. He spoke out of turn, making Noah look weak. Noah scowls at his man and swivels his finger in the air, and his men swap positions, making Patrick go pale.
I grab Phoebe’s hand, giving it a squeeze for courage, and she side eyes me and smiles. I smile back because I’m so fucking proud to call her family.
Damian looks at Phoebs. “The floor’s all yours.” He smirks, but her face doesn’t change, keeping in character. However, her eyes show amusement. I sit back and relax, ready to watch the Phoebe Show. She stands and looks around the table, and most of them, who are not family heads frown. Only Stefano and Dimitri look at her with pride, while Basil, her father, sits in confusion.
“Gentleman, I would like to thank you all for coming, I understand how busy you are. There is one other person who’d like to be involved so I’ll patch him through. I will be representing him in person while he listens in.” She gets her phone and dials Juan, and I grind my teeth. How in the fuck am I going to get through a meeting with him? I shake my head and look at the men around the table. They all frown, and justas Juan answers the phone, without so much as a hello, the man seated next to Basil speaks up.
“Really Damian? Letting a little girl playing dress up take over our meeting, what the fuck is this? Women know their place; it’s at home cleaning and popping out babies, not getting in our fucking business.” He looks at Basil, theNonos tis Nycthas,or Godfather of the Night, the Greek mafia head. “What is your daughter doing,Nonos? This is an embarrassment to our family.” He growls the last bit.
Phoebe smirked and sat down during his rant. I hear a slight chuckle from her cell, and my stomach knots hearing Juan’s voice again. I look at Phoebe and she gives me a slight smile, to say‘have courage’, and my eyes soften. That’s the thing when you’re best friends, you know each other well, which is why I chuckle when she gets her knife out, twisting it in her fingers. Damian is smirking and Al looks fucking giddy.
I lean closer to Phoebs and whisper, “At least take a few more minutes before snapping. I am not buying your fucking cat a bed.” She bites her lip to stop from laughing.
I mean it. Al is determined to buy her fricking cat Ares a new bed. The bed is like $700 or $800, which is ridiculous for a cat! I will never live it down, and by the looks of Damian’s face, neither will he.
Phoebe ensures her bitch face is in place when she says, “You have a problem with me being here, Belen? Because I’m quite sure you didn’t have a problem fucking Selene’s ass over our dining table last year when you thought the house was empty.”
Basils confusion turns to venom while a little vomit rises up my throat. Gross.
Belen stills, then quickly snaps out of it. “You a lying whore. You’re the one who fucked your father’s men behind his back. You shouldn’t even fucking be in this room, bitch.”
The men at our table grow extremely silent, half don’t know what to say, while Basil looks like he believes his guard—by the look he’s sending his daughter. I’m about to stab the fucker, then slice his neck. When is he going to fucking listen for once in his pathetic life?
Phoebe grabs a hold of my hand, keeping me where I am. She knows how I feel about this waste of space. How could he believe such crap about Phoebe when that’s exactly what Selene is doing right under his fucking nose? And he fucking wonders why his daughter wants fuck all to do with him. Dimitri and Stefano are fuming, and Juan just chuckles.
“I really wish I was there right now, because this just got entertaining.”
All the men look at the phone, confused, they recognize his voice. Dimitri looks at me and raises one brow, silently asking if I’m good. I give a slight nod while Phoebe squeezes my hand again, then she smiles sweetly.
“Gentlemen, I believe you all know my uncle, Don of the Spanish Mafia, Juan Garcia.”
Despite that news, Belen doesn’t seem deterred. He wasn’t there when she killed Christian Baciu, and doesn’t know who Phoebe actually is. He’s still an idiot; surely he can see that a few men want to stab him right now.
“I don’t give a shit who your uncle is, your whore ass shouldn’t be here. What you did to your sister is despicable, you even got your father to neglect her for months. You’re pathetic.”
I sigh, knowing I am about to lose a bet.
Phoebe laughs at my sigh, then states, “You mean the sister who has you completely fooled? The one who tried to sell me to Christian Baciu because she owed him thousands in drug money? The same one who likes to eat pussy while my so-called fiancé is busy fucking the girl who is trying to get my sister off.Thatsister?” Belen just laughs, while Al tenses. Shit.
“You’re bullshitting, yet again, so your father cuts her off. You’re a spiteful bitch, and you’re a traitor. Leaving your contract marriage to Alexandr is a punishable by death. A coward is what you are.”
It happens fast and everyone looks on in shock, while I sigh and get my wallet out. I start counting out $400 in cash for Alexandr.
Phoebe is up and out of her seat in seconds as she jumps on top of the table, slides toward Belen, and stabs her knife into his hand. He screams out while Al shoots up from his seat, raises his hand, and shouts, “Called it!” Damian and I groan aloud, and Al smirks as I hand him the money.
The men in the room are all stiff in shock, while Juan chuckles over the line. “How much did you win, Alex?”