Page 95 of That First Flight
I successfully make her giggle through her tear soaked cheeks. “That’s a funny name.”
“I’ve had him my entire life and never go to sleep without him. He has a hole in his foot though, so he’s got a permanent cast on so the stuffing doesn’t fall out.”
“How will you sleep without him if you’re giving him to me?” Mackenzie asks.
“I think… I’ll be okay knowing he’s still in the apartment being looked after by the best little girl I know.” I wink.
She smiles as she snuggles back under her sheets with Bert tucked under her arm.
“I love you, Kenzie.” I lean down to press a kiss to her cheek. “Get a good night's sleep.”
“I love you too, Ollie,” she whispers before her eyes fall closed.
I hear the front door open and I don’t move from my spot on the couch.
For the last hour, I’ve been staring at a blank television screen hating how Mackenzie went to bed, how she was so torn up over the camera.
I didn’t like how she was still so upset when I told her it could easily be replaced. But she’s so young that she doesn’t fully understand that yet.
“Sorry, I’m late,” Macey announces, placing a bag on the kitchen counter.
“What is with everyone being sorry tonight?” I groan, standing from the couch.
I make my way to the kitchen, avoiding eye contact with Macey as I round the island across from her. When my eyes finally land on her, my body relaxes. Fuck, she’s so beautiful even after working in a hot kitchen all night. Even without an ounce of make-up on, she’s the most captivating woman.
“Oh no,” she exhales. “What happened?”
I place both hands on the counter, muscles flexing under my weight. “I’m going to tell you, but you have to promise me you won’t say anything.”
She swallows before she nods.
“Mackenzie went to bed pretty upset tonight.”
Before I can continue, Macey moves quickly toward the hallway that leads to her room.
“No, stop.” I rush to her, stopping her in her tracks by gripping both of her shoulders, forcing her body to face mine. “She’s asleep now, but she wanted to play with my camera and take a better picture of the new puzzle her and James have been working on. She accidentally dropped it and the lens broke.”
She covers her eyes. “Oh my god, Oliver. I’m so sorry.”
I pull her hands away from her eyes, leaning down to level with her. Her green eyes widen as they bore into mine. “None of that. I’m not upset or madat all. It’s replaceable. I was right there with her when it happened. It was just an accident.”
“But it’s your work!” Macey interrupts me. “It’s your business. It’s your camera. You don’t go anywhere without that thing.”
“Again… it’s replaceable.” It’s my turn to stop her. “I don’t care about any of that shit. But it fucking killed me how upset she got over it. She cried and cried and her face turned sheet white. I didn’t know how to handle it.”
Her body deflates as if it was a balloon and someone just stuck a needle in it.
Macey releases a long drawn out sigh. “She’s a lot like me. She doesn’t like to disappoint anyone.”
She moves to take a seat on the couch. There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s trying to figure out how to say the next thing she needs to say. I take a seat next to her and watch while she tucks her legs under her and positions herself facing me.
“Ever since she was born, there’s been this pressure to prove everyone wrong. You already know my parents were harsh and manipulative. I spent my teen years trying to make everyone around me happy. I spentyearsdoing everything just to please other people. Specifically, my parents, which meant putting my own happiness aside.”
“You should’ve never had to live like that,” I quip.
“You’re right. No one should have to live like that. I’m happy I finally realized that and got the hell out of there, but I hate the lingering issues we have to deal with and work through. I know Mackenzie is old enough to where she’s picked up on the habits, trying to please everyone the way I’ve always had to.”