Page 12 of Craving Demons
My ever-sensitive wolfen ears picked up their whispers:
“Oh yeah, he may not look it, but he’s strong as ten men, at least!”
“Watch this, you’re in for a treat.”
“You can’t be serious. Not in one hit.”
“Oh yeah, one hit, just watch.”
I swung the first hammer, careful not to use too much of my strength and power. I didn’t want to bring down this whole building.
I heard the growl-roar of my wolf within me as the hammer struck home and a hole the size of a beachball was blasted all the way through the thick walls. The second hammer struck, and another hole appeared. In less than thirty seconds I had one of the thick walls down and demolished. That was enough for today.
“Holy fuck!” someone breathed.
“Yeah, I know, right?”
“He’s not even sweating!”
Amidst the concrete dust settling around me, I threw the hammer in my left hand to Corey. “Think you can get the rest?”
“Sure thing, Boss,” he said, chipper and grinning. Corey knew better than to question me or ask me to continue the work. I’d just saved him a lot of work and he was happy for that much. It was one of the reasons I kept him on as my foreman. He knew the limits of what he could ask forandwhatnotto ask about. “Right men, back to work! Let’s see if we can’t get the rest of this down before the end of the day!”
I stopped by the rough table of planks and sawhorses that made up my desk and checked my phone. It was two-thirty, and I was famished. As much as I’d eaten a three-course lunch not that long ago, I needed to sate my wolf once again. Just one drawback of having the aspect of devouring.
I called to Corey, “I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Right Boss, don’t worry, we’ve got this covered.”
Good man.
I left, took the elevator down to the first floor of the building, and walked out to the bustling sidewalk for some fresh air which made my wolf perk up. It smelled flesh.
Of course, it thought every one of the passersby were going to be its upcoming delicious meal.
Down boy,I said. The beast growled and settled.
I’d been dealing with my wolf for over a thousand years and knew how to control it. It wasn’t Ragnarök just yet. Only then could I set him free to devour the world. For now, however, I’d have to settle for a steak.
Luckily, Wolfgang’s Steakhouse was just a couple blocks away on Broadway.
I made my way down the sidewalk, surrounded by humanity. They had no clue we daemons walked so freely among them. And it was better that way. Most people would freak out if they knew.
Suddenly I was stopped by some… force.
I was gripped by the feeling of raw lust and sexual need, which almost overwhelmed me. My mind filled with images of sex, remembering women I’d fucked, and my body responded in kind, my cock instantly rock-hard and raging for a release.
“Blessed Asgard!” I breathed. It took everything I — and my wolf — had to keep myself from coming on the spot. I had to lean on the wall of the building next to me for a long moment, taking deep breaths, while everyone around me went about their business as if nothing was amiss.
“Fuck me,” I whispered as the rampaging desire continued to flow through me.
What in Hel was going on?
The only thing I could think of was that some sex daemon’s aspect was going wild, out of control.
And that turbulent aspect was coming from inside the store next to me.
I glanced at the sign: Giorgio Fashion. It looked like a high-end boutique.