Page 23 of Claiming Demons
“I… I…” I didn’t feel like explaining that I’d wanted one kid from each of my guys. That was none of her business. “I have, and I don’t want to undo it. So, is there anything I can do? I have three daughters already. I had them before I had the aspect of fertility, so I know what a regular pregnancy is like. Is there a way to avoid all that pain and discomfort?”
“Wait, what?” she gasped. “You had three kidsbeforeyou had this aspect? How did that work?”
Right, most gods and goddesses had their aspects all their lives. I was different, special for some reason, and I had no clue why my aspects had shown up later in life. It was yet another thing I’d have to ask my dad… if I ever found him.
“I’m strange,” I said, hoping she wouldn’t want more of an explanation.
“Yeah, you are…” She paused and I heard something rustling in the background. “What… is regular pregnancy like?”
I blinked. She didn’t know? Well, that spoke volumes about what might be possible with this aspect.
“Why don’t you tell me what your pregnancies were like?” I asked. “That will give me a sense for what’s possible and then I can tell you how a regular pregnancy is different.”
Freyja sighed. “Ah… well… I get knocked up, then I pop the kid out.”
I waited for more. When it didn’t come, I asked, “And how long did that process take?” She made it sound like a relatively quick affair.
“For the first few, I let it take a while, a few days, just to feel the life growing inside me. But after the first dozen or so, I gave up on that and just had them right away.”
Wait, what?
A few DAYS!
Right away?
“When you say, ‘right away,’ you mean… like instantly after conception?”
“Pretty much. My brother used to call it ‘blowing up the balloon.’ I once had three kids in one night with the same god.”
“Oh…” I said and my brain stalled out on the one word, repeating it over and over again in my mind.
Oh, indeed.
I shook myself out of my stupor. “Ah, well, regular pregnancy is quite a bit different. It takes nine months or so, and it can be rather strenuous and painful, but also rewarding at the same time.”
“Nine fucking months?” she gasped. “How do humans do it?”
“Because for us… ah… I mean them… there isn’t any other option if they want to have a child.”
“Oh, yeah, right. Well, that sounds like Hel. No wonder you’re wondering what’s possible. So, first off, yeah, you can pop those puppies out whenever you want, just make it happen. Hel, you don’t even have to have them physically. You can just manifest a kid. Aphrodite was born when Uranus masturbated into the ocean, although I hear they’re telling that tale differently these days. So, yeah, anyway, you can just will those kids out of you.”
That was rather incredible and mind-blowing. But then… that did sound like godly power.
“Though, if you wanted to carry the suckers for a while, you could,” she added. “It should be effortless and painless now that you can control fertility. Any and all parts of pregnancy fall into the fertility aspect, so yeah, just… do what you want basically.”
That… made sense. I’d been able to produce milk for Fen last night, which was far earlier than should have been possible.
Curious… I concentrated on my fertility aspect for a moment. My breasts had grown during my previous pregnancies, so… I tried to make them get bigger right now. They swelled, painfully large against my — now very restrictive — bra, and I quickly undid the change with an awed smile.
Oh… the guys were going tolovethat. I didn’t particularly want my tits to be that much bigger, I liked my size, but knowing Icouldmake them bigger or potentially even smaller on a whim… that was something.
“You still there, girl?” Freyja asked.
“Ah… yeah, just experimenting with something.”
“Made your tits bigger, did you? Yeah, all the godslovethat.” She didn’t sound impressed. I didn’t know why I blushed, but I did. “Anything else you need?”
“Ah… no, I think I’m good for now,” I replied. “But… if I did want to call and get more advice, when would be a good time?”