Page 25 of Claiming Demons
“Crushed against me, with your cock throbbing inside me…” I flashed him a wicked smile. “But we’ll save that for a reward once we’ve done this. Consider it incentive.”
He gave a feral grin. “Consider me incentivized.”
We worked all afternoon. I spent a lot of time connecting to Grey’s soul and trying to help him find peace and control.
It was a struggle at first, but by the end of the afternoon, we were starting to find a rhythm to the work. Grey still wasn’t able to turn off his void, but he did seem able to control it more, dimming its influence then surging it again.
After four straight hours, we figured that was a solid day’s work. Hopefully, with that as a starting point, he could learn how to turn it off and on as he desired.
Then we showered together, and I showed him how I could make my breasts bigger. It was a very long, and very loud, shower. Reia, who’d been the only one at home that afternoon, couldn’t look either of us in the eye at supper.
Caia, Eva, Trent, and Harmonia also joined us for dinner, and we spent a pleasant evening together, but I felt Ramsey and Fen’s absence keenly, my heart constricting when I thought of them.
I sent them love, wherever they were, and hoped they could join me again soon.
The conclave wasin three days, and in the last two weeks, I’d seen Ana only a few times. Luckily, when I had been free, Grey had stepped away, so I had time alone with her, and once I’d spent myself, I would lay with her, holding her and whispering my love to her. I knew I wasn’t as poetic as Fen, but I didn’t care. I’d always been straightforward, and I figured that would work too. Ana didn’t seem to mind. She was… perfect.
My goddess was everything I needed when I needed it. When all I wanted was to fuck, she was hot and willing and needful. Yet, she could also be a temptress — a vixen — when I wished to be dominated, restrained, and teased with pleasuring pain. If I just needed comfort, she was soft and warm and loving. She was so giving and rarely asked for anything in return. Though, when I’d said as much, she’d only giggled and told me I gave her everything she needed… and more.
It was strange. Being away from her now was both far more agonizing than when I’d first known her… and also far less strenuous. My chaos didn’t erupt just because I wasn’t around her and was mostly under control now, and my times with her seemed to last me for days of relative peace and quiet.
The new agony I felt was something far deeper. My heart ached when I wasn’t with her. But, at the same time, it was also easy to recall pleasant times with her and have that ache soothed.
Was this what true love felt like?
I’d never felt anything like this before and… I was addicted.
Which meant I was probably sporting an odd, sad smile when I arrived at Osiris’ office and let myself in without knocking. I knew that would piss off the demanding god, although I was very surprised to find my father, Set, in the room with him.
“Sit,” Set said, pointing to a chair.
These two rarely saw eye to eye on anything, so if both of them wanted to see me for something, it had to be important.
“The conclave is just around the corner,” Osiris said. “We’ve discussed it and decided, we have a special task for you.”
Oh? That was curious. Usually, I was left alone. I didn’t much care for these conclaves and skipped them. Even when they were local and I had a hand in helping set things up, I still bailed on the actual event itself. It was just a bunch of stuck-up gods trying to one-up each other, or rehashing centuries-old feuds.
“Yes?” I asked.
Set cracked a grin, and not a pleasant one. That… didn’t bode well.
Osiris nodded. “We want you to handle Horus.”
Fuck me. “No, you can’t be—”
“Shut up, boy!” Set reprimanded, and I snapped my mouth shut.
If there was one god I truly feared… it was my father. I didn’t lose many fights to other daemons, even to other gods, but against him, things were reversed. I’d rarely won a fight against him.
“Listen to your elders and obey,” Set said, his tone leaving no room for debate.
I gritted my teeth as Osiris went on. “Usually I’d do it, or Isis would, though she dotes on him a bit too much. I’ve got other duties this year, and Isis will be helping me. After us, it would fall to Hathor, but it seems she and Horus are on the outs at the moment. She may be his wife and the goddess of love, but even she can only take so much of his bullshit and sleeping around.” Osiris sighed.
This was the problem with Horus. He should have been a shining beacon of leadership, a standard for what rulers should be. Instead, he was — as many rulers actually were — selfish, vain, lecherous, and completely self-absorbed. He didn’t care for anyone other than himself, except inasmuch as others could serve his every whim.
“Anubis, dedicated son that he is, would usually handle Horus, but he’s still dealing with the fallout from that Nari debacle on Samhain. Too many dead whose hearts need weighing and all that. Of the remaining gods, they’re either too powerful for me to command or not powerful enough to resist Horus’ command compulsions,” Osiris said. “That leaves you.”