Page 4 of Reverse Perspective
“Spectacular,” he says, rolling his eyes
“Can we go, please?” I ask.
“Yeah,” Mason says as he steps back. When I hop down, he grabs my face and makes me look at him.
“We are talking about this when he leaves,” Mason declares.
“We can talk after breakfast tomorrow,” I say. “That’s fine.”
“He isnotspending the night here,” Lance laughs with no humor in his voice.
“Why? Angela did,” I say. “For all you know, he’s spent the night here before.”
“We would know if he had spent the night here before,” Lance replies with a smirk.
“You know nothing,” I respond dismissively. I turn to leave the room but Lance grabs my waist and stops me.
“You’re not exactly quiet when you make yourself come, Little Demon,” Lance says in a tone I’ve never heard from him before. It sends a shiver up my spine and for a moment, I am frozen. “Unless he’s just not doing a very good job.”
I turn and smile sweetly at him. “You know what they say, Lance. Practice makes perfect,” I say. “I’ll meet y’all at the truck.”
I turn and get away from them before anyone else can stop me. I slow down to grab my phone and bag from the counter before walking out onto the porch.
My mind is racing so I sit on the swing and close my eyes for a second. When I hear them coming toward the door, I get up and walk off the porch as I unlock my truck. I climb in and get it started before the guys get in. Lance is sitting up front with me. I expect him to say something, but he simply connects his phone to the radio and scrolls through his music.
We are meeting everyone at the park like we do every Saturday. I usually drive because we get food after and the guys end up having beer. Everyone always seems to think it’s hilarious when I drive my truck because it’s big and I’m short.
Lance chuckles and selects a song. Mason and Dean laugh when ‘Our Song’ by Taylor Swift starts to play. All three of them start singing along. They are loud and dramatic but it brings a smile to my face. This is their obnoxious way of reminding me that we have been a team for our entire lives and nothing will break that apart. Not even some bimbo who wants to push me out.
When we get to the park, everyone turns when they hear my truck pull up. This is the same group we have met up with since early high school. Sometimes certain people were caught up with life and couldn’t make it. College made it difficult because some people went away. Ultimately, our friend group has held pretty strong.
“Hey,” Todd says with a smile.
“You are late,” Leo laughs. “Y’all are never late.”
“You can blame Lance,” I say with a smile before walking over to the picnic table and setting my bag down.
“Trouble in paradise?” Todd asks as he grabs his water from the table.
“You could say that,” I reply dryly.
“What did they do?”
“He had Angela over last night,” I roll my eyes.
“And… we still don’t like Angela?” he asks.
“No, and I don’t like being kept awake because he wants to rail the bitch against a wall he shares with me.”
“Ah. You’d think as many times as you’ve gotten mad about them doing that they’d stop bringing girls over,” he says.
“I don’t care if they bring people over. I’m not their mother. I would just appreciate it if they would do it quietly,” I say.
“Is that what made you late?” Todd asks.
“No. I got overwhelmed and made myself cry. They wouldn’t leave me alone until I told them what was wrong.”
“Did you?”