Page 62 of His Obsession
“Thank you,” I say. “I think I’ll need help rolling, though.”
“Lucian and Bradley can help. I have everything clean and bandaged, so it’s just the bruises and welts they will have to be careful of,” she says. I try to sit up some so they can help me roll to my back. Lucian immediately covers me up and everyone, but Carol and Erika, move to the head of the bed.
“Okay, Elise,” Erika says. “I need for you to put your feet together like a butterfly sitting position and let your legs fall apart. We will keep you as covered as we can.”
“Okay,” I whisper. Lucian helps my legs drop before propping up on his elbow. I turn my face into his chest and he resumes stroking my hair. The second someone touches me, I tense up and start crying.
“Shhh. I’ve got you. I’m right here,” Lucian says softly.
“I don’t like this,” I cry.
“Just say the word and they will stop, okay? Everything is on your terms right now,” he says.
“Don’t stop,” I say. “It needs to be done. I just hate this. I hate feeling like this.”
“I know, my love,” he says. “I’ve got you. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you.”
He gently kisses my temple and I try my best to not move so they can do what is needed. I stay where I am as they draw blood and give me a shot in my butt, but I can finally breathe again when it’s just Lucian touching me.
“Okay,” Carol says to me. “No tearing or any significant trauma. They, luckily, seemed to have used lube or something to keep you from getting too hurt. You will be very sore for a while all around. Your body has gone through a lot, so I want you to rest as much as you can. Let Lucian help you as much as possible. At least for a few days. I don’t want you alone, even for a second. Your body temperature has come up, but you were pretty hypothermic. It’s stressful on the body. Erika and I will check on you regularly. We will also show Lucian how to change the bandages.”
“Do you mean like the bathroom too?” I ask.
“Yes ma’am. Even then,” she says. “You are very weak, and it’s only going to get worse before it gets better. You’re running on fumes. You will crash. When you do, it’s going to get bad. Don’t stress your body out any more than it has been and let him help you. Put him to use and make him do everything.”
“Look at it as a chance to make him be your little slave for a while,” Bradley laughs.
“Well, when you put it that way,” I say, making Lucian smile.
“We will leave you alone for now, but I’ll be back in a few hours to check on you,” Carol says. “Lucian. I am leaving what you need here. Check her vitals regularly and if anything changes, call me immediately, okay?”
“Okay,” he says. “Is she safe to take her medicine?”
“That will honestly be the best thing for her,” Carol says.
“We will be in the guest room in the next room,” Bradley says. “Whatever you need, let us know and we will grab it. Just focus on her.”
“Here in the next few hours, she needs to eat something,” Carol says. “But right now, she needs to drink some water and rest.”
“Okay. Thank you, guys. Make sure the gates stay locked. No one in or out unless it’s necessary.”
“Derrick is handling all of that,” Bradley says. “I will pop in and out to keep an eye on things. I will update everyone in the morning.”
“Okay,” Lucian says. When everyone leaves and it’s just Lucian and me, he helps me sit up. “Let’s get you to the bathroom so you can take your medicine and sleep.”
“I’m so weak,” I complain.
“I can help you to not have to move and still be able to pee, but something tells me you don’t want that,” he says.
“Yeah… I’ll go to the bathroom,” I say.
It’s a slow and painful process, but eventually we manage to get me to the toilet to sit. He sits on the edge of the tub to keep his hand on my arm in case I fall. It burns like a motherfucker to pee, but I’m sure the antibiotics will help that. Lucian isn’t fazed in the slightest to help me clean up before getting me back to bed. After I take my medicine, he helps me dress in his T-shirt and underwear before we lay down. I choose to lay on my belly because it’s the most comfortable.
“I love you so much, Lucian,” I mumble. “Thank you for saving me.”
“I love you too, Elise. More than I will ever be able to explain,” he says. “And you’re welcome. They will pay for what they have done. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Good,” I say. He lays his hand on my lower back and snuggles up to me. Once my medicine starts to kick in, I drift away.