Page 63 of His Obsession
Chapter Twenty-Two
Two Days Later
Voices drag me outof my sleep, but I can’t open my eyes just yet. It takes me a moment to focus on them.
“That is up to her,” Lucian says.
“How is she?” a man asks.
“She fell asleep around probably three in the morning and hasn’t really gotten up since. I wake her up every six hours or so. I have her use the restroom and drink some broth. She goes back to sleep immediately,” Lucian explains.
“You know how big of an ask this is, right? This isn’t just overlooking you beating the piss out of someone. This is forty-six people you want to kill.”
“I’m not telling you to pull the trigger, Clark,” Lucian says. “I’m just asking that you divert your investigation and we will handle it. Do you realize what they did to her? To all of those other women held captive there? They deserve far worse than prison. The only reason I’m coming to you about this is because I know you want them to pay. I know your sister was dragged into a cult like this and killed.”
“That’s not fair,” he says.
“It is. What happened to the guy who killed your sister, hmm? I bet he got exactly what the fuck he deserved. I’m just asking that you let me get my wife justice. There are forty-six men in that group, and all of them raped my wife. All of them. She is so bruised that she doesn’t have even an inch of skin on her back that isn’t black or purple. He branded her with his goddamn initials, Clark.”
“Okay,” he says. “Okay… but I want to know everything you do and when.”
“Just come with us,” Sheriff Donaldson says. “If this catches up with us, we get the same murder charges either way. May as well get to see the fuckers die. "If something happens… none of this comes back on her,” Lucian says. “I will not let her go to jail for this.”
“I will handle everything,” Clark says. “Just don’t make it messy.”
“Define messy,” Bradley laughs.
“Don’t open an artery or slit his throat. Just shoot him in the head. Quick and deserving,” Clark says.
“Fine. One shot to the head. All on plastic, and then we will burn the place to the ground,” he says.
“I can mark it up as a mass suicide,” Clark says. “When?”
“As soon as Elise can manage to stay awake for more than ten minutes at a time,” Bradley laughs.
“We have eyes on them,” Lucian says. “They are all holed up on the compound. No one has left and they are all indoors. They know she got away and got back to us, so they’re hiding.”
“Yes, but you all are nonviolent, and you aren’t extremists. They have no reason to suspect that you’d come after them,” Sheriff Donaldson says.
“Jake knows,” I mutter. “He knows Luci would kill for me.”
“Hey,” Lucian says softly. “How do you feel?”
“Like I was gang raped,” I say. “But better than before.”
“Good. Maybe we can get you to eat something today,” he says, helping me sit up. “Are you okay if I show them?”
“That’s fine,” I say. “My being silent doesn’t prevent others from being hurt in the future.”
Lucian assists me in gingerly pulling my shirt off. I don’t even care that my tits are out. Not having anything touch my back feels incredible comparatively. I fold myself over my lap and Lucian removes the bandages.
“Jesus Christ,” Clark says with a sigh.
“I don’t even know what to say, Elise,” Sheriff Donaldson says.
“Now imagine having every available hole battered with dicks for a total of what… Almost thirty hours?” I say.