Page 97 of Sinful Lies
“In what way?”
“You’ll see.”
I’m a bundle of nerves as I walk over to my cubicle.
Not only do I have my pregnancy to worry about, but also Giovanni.
He’s been off for the past two weeks, which has eased a lot of my anxiety as it meant I haven’t been constantly looking over my shoulder. But I knew I would have to face him eventually, and I’m scared of how he’s going to act.
Sitting down at my desk, I force myself to focus on my work. Once I get in the flow, the hours will fly by, and I’ll be at the doctor's office soon enough.
I just need to survive until then.
I’m opening up all the files on my laptop that need consolidating for an upcoming tribunal when a folder is slammed down beside me.
Startled, I glance over my shoulder to find Giovanni towering over me.
I choke back a cry of surprise when I take in the state of him.
Karlie wasn’t kidding.
Not only is he sporting a nasty black eye, but a cut runs from the corner of that eye to the edge of his jaw which is also bruised, and his right hand and forearm are in a cast.
Dimitri did this.
I swallow as I wait for him to order me into his office where he will no doubt reprimand me for having Dimitri deal with him, but the order never comes.
Giovanni simply stares at me with nothing but cold fury in his eyes before he turns and walks away.
The moment he’s out of sight, my body sags, and I release the breath I didn’t know I’d been holding.
He’s gone.
It can’t be that easy. There’s no way in hell Giovanni’s going to let Dimitri get away with what he did.
I know Giovanni, and he won’t stop until the price for Dimitri’s crime has been paid.
And I have no doubt that I’ll be the one to pay for it.
At noon, I pack up my bag and head out for my doctor’s appointment.
It’s only a short walk to the office, and on the way there, I almost call Bianca just for some moral support. She knows exactly what I’m going through as she had the same experience with Leo.
She was terrified of telling Alexei, but she was brave enough to tell me. Hell, I was the one to make her an appointment with the very same doctor I’m about to see.
But I just can’t risk the news getting back to Dimitri.
If he were to hear it from anyone else, I don’t think he would forgive me.
So, I’m doing this alone.
Dr. Waite calls me in almost immediately and gets me situated in his examination room.
I wrinkle my nose at the sterile smell. It brings back too many memories of spending a month in hospital last year when I was recovering from Gilanto’s attack.
But at least then I had Dimitri by my side.
My eyes sting at the thought.