Page 98 of Sinful Lies
Dr. Waite offers me a warm smile. “If you’ll just roll up your sleeve. I’ll take some blood, and then we should have the results back to you within four to six hours.”
I swallow the lump in my throat as I roll up the sleeve of my blouse, and Dr. Waite quickly cleans my arm with an alcohol wipe.
He reaches for the needle. “You’ll feel a little pinch.”
I nod, looking up at the clock on the wall rather than at the needle he’s about to jab into my arm. I wince as it pierces my skin, but it’s over in a few seconds.
“All done. You did great, Zara. I’ll give you a call when I get the results in and we’ll go from there.”
I nod and glance over at the small vial of blood that he’s labeling. “Thank you.”
I leave the doctor’s feeling emotionally drained.
All the pregnant women in the waiting room had me feeling a wave of excitement at the thought of being a mother.
When I was younger, I used to dream about being pregnant, having babies, being in love with my husband. Even back then I dreamed about being a career woman and I’d be able to do it all. I thought I’d wait until I was closer to thirty, until I had my life in order, my career secured.
But then Giovanni came into my life, and those dreams flew out the window when I was left a broken mess.
Not being able to be intimate meant the dream of having a family would be impossible, so my life became all about my career.
Then he came back to screw that dream up too.
Now, here I am. Only twenty-four years old, fake married and potentially knocked up. This was never part of the plan. But then again, neither was Dimitri.
Thankfully, work keeps me busy for the rest of the afternoon while I wait for the call to confirm my results.
I put my headphones in and block out the rest of the office as I focus on finishing the notes for court next week.
Giovanni doesn’t come by once, instead choosing to hide out in his office for the afternoon. It’s clear that whatever Dimitri did has spooked him enough to stay out of my way, for now.
By five thirty, my phone is still yet to ring, and I wonder if I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to get my results.
Dimitri messaged to say that his meetings in the citywere finished, and that he would be working from the penthouse for the rest of the evening, so we can order takeout for dinner. The thought of curling up on the couch with him and eating Chinese food is exactly what I need after the day I’ve had.
Though the moment I step out of the office onto the sidewalk, my phone starts buzzing in my pocket, and my heart races as I see it’s Dr. Waite calling.
“Hello?” I hold the phone tightly to my ear.
“Zara? It’s Dr. Waite. I’m calling with your test results.”
I take a deep breath as my heart starts pounding in my chest.
This is it.
“I can confirm you are pregnant.”
“Oh, my god.” My eyes flutter closed.
“Your hCG levels are high, which is a good sign. So, the next thing is to get you in for your ultrasound. I can schedule you in for next week if that suits you?”
“Uh, sure, next week is fine.”
“Great, I’ll book you in for next Monday.”
“Thank you so much, Dr. Waite.”
“It’s my pleasure. See you then.”