Page 5 of Tangled
I struggle to stay upright and not drop the basket from my shock, but the longer I stare without them aware that I’m watching, the more uncomfortable and emotional I become. I contemplate saying something, but then decide against it.
I knew in my gut something wasn’t right between us. I’d been choosing to ignore the signs.
The lack of sex.
His need to work late lately.
The over-enthusiastic greetings I would get from his secretary every time I’d see her.
The last thing I wanted was for them to see the look of shock and disgust on my face, the confirmation that what they’ve done behind my back has affected me at all.
Fuck that. No one gets that satisfaction.
Instead, I quietly return the door to the cracked position I found it in, turn on my heels, and make my way back to my car.
Tears fall the moment I sit in the driver’s seat. But they’re not so much tears of sadness, but more of anger and regret, regret that I’ve spent almost the last entire year of my life with a man who couldn’t see what he had in front of him.
I’m a catch, a well-educated woman who takes care of her body, a woman who loved him with every fiber of my being and chose him over any other man.
Fuck this. I’m done.
I race home and find as many bags and empty suitcases that I can find in our townhouse. I shove clothing and dishes, movies and mementos from home, and anything else I can’t live without into my car, and take off for the highway, never looking back.
“Mom,” I choke through my tears when she picks up the phone.
“Baby, what is it? You never call this late,” she whispers, making me think I woke her or Dad is sleeping there next to her.
“I’m on my way home,” I say as I wipe the moisture from my face and merge onto the freeway.
“Okay…” She trails off, not sure of what I’m saying.
“Trevor and I are done. I caught him cheating on me. So I’m coming home… for good.”
“Oh, Olivia. I’m so sorry, honey. Did you kick him in the balls before you left?”
That response earns her a chuckle through my cries, but sadly, the moment doesn’t last too long.
“No, I didn’t even let him know I saw.”
“What? Why? I thought I taught you better than that, Olivia Jane. Always stand up for yourself!” The volume of her voice tells me she must have moved to another part of the house.
“I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing I’m hurt. I just wanted out of there. I rushed home and packed up my stuff and started driving.”
My mother lets out a long breath. “Okay, well, how long will you be?”
I glance down at my phone on the dash of the car. “GPS says I’ll be there around one in the morning. I’m sorry, Mom. I just…”
“Don’t you dare apologize, Liv. You know you can always come home any time you want. In fact, I just heard that Mr. Kirk retired from the high school. Maybe you should apply? Hell, the timing of this couldn’t be more perfect.”
Shit. My teaching job. I just up and left without thinking twice. I guess I have a phone call to make in the morning. A sudden family emergency sounds like a legitimate excuse to leave my job without notice. I will miss my students though. Now the guilt of leaving my kids settles in my stomach along with the nausea and hurt.
“Mr. Kirk? The math teacher who was MY teacher when I went there?”
“Yeah. Word on the street is that he won the lottery and gave his notice. Can’t blame the man. He’s put in his time.”
I laugh, the first genuine laugh I’ve felt in a while. “Yeah, I can’t say I blame him either. Well then, I guess I’ll call the school first thing in the morning.”