Page 96 of His Obsession
Alek grunted, and I apologized profusely, until he put his finger to my mouth, cutting off my excessive use of the word “sorry.”
“It’s fine, let’s dance.”
I nodded, and he dropped his hand. The world was on my side. The music switched from swift and upbeat to a melodious, slow dance. Something that would play at a high school dance, where you would grab your partner and sway to the music. Nice and easy. The thought of getting close to Alek sent my butterflies in a flurry. Now that I thought of it, I might step on his toes more in this situation.
My fingers folded into his and placed my other on his back between his shoulder blades. The tender touch of his fingertips rested on my waist just above the swell of my butt, sending electrifying sensations down my legs. I felt like a wanton. I imagined his fingers digging into my ass and pulling me against the swell of his length, grinding against me on the dance floor.
I shook the thoughts from my mind and laid my head on his chest, listening to the gentlethump-thump, thump-thump,of his heart. I could stay like this forever, wrapped up in his arms, enjoying the smell of his cologne. I don’t know how long we danced for; I was having a fantastic time, but my feet were aching. Alek cupped my cheeks and grazed his lips against mine. I licked his lips, begging for more, but he broke the connection, took my hand, and pulled me out the doorway.
“Where are we going now?” I asked him, breathless from hiking the stairs at a fast pace.
“You’ll see.”
It was all he gave me as we got in the car and sped off down to the interstate.
We didn’t drive for long before we came to a secluded dark area overlooking the city lights. You could see it all from here, the twinkling lights from the stars, the hustle and bustle of the city below. It was magical. It was a sight that knocked you down a notch, reminding you that you are only a small part of this world.
“Where are we?” I took my buckle off and looked around through the windshield.
“My favorite place when I’m not with you.”
His admission sent a pang through my chest. Heat flushed my cheeks, and I did something I couldn’t foresee myself doing. I climbed over the console and straddled Alek’s lap, my knees resting beside his thighs. Lust split through my body, and I couldn’t control myself. I didn’twantto control myself. I raked my hands through his hair and crushed my lips to his while he moved his seat back—we didn’t want a repeat performance of the car horn honking, alerting anyone that may be around. His hands roamed my body, grabbing hold of my ass and kneading my round flesh.
Alek broke away. “Wait… Liz. Stop.” Our heavy breaths rising and falling in the quiet of the car.
My brows raised. “What… what’s wrong?” My eyes flicked across his face, trying to read him.
He hesitated, thinking something over before speaking. “I know I didn’t go about protecting you in the best way, and I didn’t handle things rationally. But I wanted you to know that I want to do it the right way if you give me a chance. I love you.” My body stiffened. He said those three words I haven’t heard anyone say but Lucy. “I’ve loved you for a while, and I know you don’t feel that way, but I hope one day you will.”
I could see the vulnerability in his eyes, and it made my heart ache. I wanted to say those words, but I didn’t know if what I felt for him was love or gratitude for being my protector. I’ve seen those movies where the man pours his heart out to the girl and professes his undying love for her, and she crushes him without returning affection. I hated those women.
“Alek—” I tried speaking before he put his finger to my lips, shushing me.
“I don’t want you to feel the need to respond. I just wanted you to know, I’m sorry, and I love you.”
I thought back to the conversation I had with Randall about Alek moving heaven and earth for me. I remembered someone telling me it was a sign of love if you feared losing that person. If you couldn’t imagine your future without them, it was a sign of love. My thoughts became a jumbled mess when he pushed our lips together, and a charge of desire permeated the surrounding air.
Desperation took hold of me, and I forgot what I was thinking about. I moved my hands to his buckle, and he finished the actions, pulling them down his hips, and never breaking contact.
His hard length pressed against my sensitive flesh, and I couldn’t help but grind against him to feel more. The song “Weak” by AJR popped into my head. “No, thank you,” wasn’t what was running through my head, but I was definitely weak for this man. I couldn’t help myself when I was around him. I craved more of him all the time, I needed to be around him, and I was happier when I was.
Alek pulled the zipper down the back of my dress, and the vibration tickled down my spine, causing chills to ricochet. My nipples peaked and begged to be touched, licked, and bit. I continued moving my hips against him, that desperate need not going away but getting more powerful.
His fingertips pulled the sleeves off my shoulder to rest under my breasts, making them ready for the taking. With a twist of his wrist, he tossed away my strapless bra. He locked my arms to the side in my lace's delicate fabric; if I moved in any direction, it would tear, and it would ruin this dress. His hands grabbed handfuls of my breasts, his lips came between them, licking and nipping.
“Alek… more.” The sound of my voice was unrecognizable. This was the sound of a woman who knew what she wanted, was confident in her words, and wasn’t afraid or weak.
His fingers released their grip on my breast and wrapped around my panties, giving them a sharp tug. The material made a loud ripping noise, and I felt a bit of pain on my hip from the lace tearing away.
His hand cupped my wet warmth, adding that extra bit of pressure I needed. My heart became erratic, and my breathing hastened. We had just begun, and I was already getting close.
Alek pressed his cock against my core, and I continued my assault, rubbing against him. The friction was perfect, and the pressure was building as he plunged two fingers inside and moved them just the right way.
“That’s it… baby girl, come for me.”
My hands gripped his shoulders, digging my nails in through the fabric of his suit jacket. Electricity shot through my legs, and I threw my head back, crying his name as my orgasm washed over me.
Alek pulled his fingers from my warmth and replaced them with his heavy cock, pumping inside me—sending me back to relive another earth-shattering orgasm.