Page 60 of Above All Else
“No, it’s not you.”
My breath froze in my chest as I glanced at the side mirror. Red and blue lights spun in a circle on the top of the cop car cruising behind us.
This is it.
“What do we do?”
“Stay calm. We’ll be just fine. I’m sure it’s just a ticket.”
I twisted my head toward him, my hair falling in my face. “But what if it’s not?”
He dropped my hand, and I swiped at the tears on my face, sniffling.
Carter pulled over to the side of the road as I righted myself in the visor mirror.
“Remember, deep breaths.” He rolled down the window as the officer approached. “Hello, Officer.”
“Afternoon. License and registration, please.”
My heart slammed into my breastbone, the blood shooting into my brain, causing a thumping in my temples.
Carter dug out his license and rental agreement and then handed it to the officer. “Will this do?”
“You’re renting this?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And where are you headed?”
I wiped my eyes as he flipped the license over in his hand. “And that is... Philadelphia?”
“Yes, sir.”
My breaths quickened, my chest burning as if the very car we sat in had run me over.
“Do you know why I’ve pulled you over today?”
“Sorry, I’m not sure.”
“You were speeding. It’s only sixty on this part of the freeway, and you were doing seventy-five. Well over the limit.”
My cheeks seared.
That’s my fault.
I distracted him.
“Sorry about that. I must not have been paying attention to the sign change.”
“Ma’am, do you have your ID on you?”
I jerked as though his words slapped me across the face. “No. Sorry.”