Page 47 of Tasting Innocence
Chapter Eighteen
It’s already beena week since I stayed over at Dex’s house. We had the best sleepover possible, and no, we haven’t had sex yet, but there’s plenty for us to do before we take that leap. Honestly, I’m grateful for Dex’s patience. Considering he’s already done it, he’s probably wanting it more than me. Not to say I don’t want to, because I do. I’m curious and anxious, but I’m also a little afraid. Not just of the pain that I hear comes with losing your virginity, but because I went this long not having sex, and if I go ahead and sleep with my brother’s friend and shit goes south, I still have to see him for the rest of my life.
As strange as it is to say this, considering, Dex is like family. Him and Zo have been best friends since they were kids, my parents love him, and he’s invited for every major holiday. This is all great news if we end up staying together, but if not, then everything is awkward. So, taking it slow is okay.
I know in this day and age, people are having sex younger and younger, and I know there’s a lot of people I went to high school with who thought I was a slut any time I even talked to or hugged a guy. They assume because the boys were attracted to me, that I slept with them all. But all I’ve ever done was have heavy petting make-out sessions with a few guys.
“Hello? Violet? What the hell?” Renzo’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts.
“Oh hey. Sorry, what’s up?” I ask, looking up from the couch to find him hovering over my shoulder.
“I had a whole spiel, you didn’t hear anything?”
“I was zoned out. What’re you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at your place making me dinner?”
“Yes, which is what I was saying. I don’t have a couple things so I’m here to see if Mom and Dad do.”
“There are grocery stores, you know?”
He makes a face like it’s an outrageous idea for him to go grocery shopping. “This is free.”
“Yeah, for you. What if Mom needs whatever you’re about to take?”
He heads to the kitchen. “Please. Mom always buys way more than she needs.”
I follow behind him. “So, what’re y’all making?”
As he digs through the pantry, my phone goes off with a text from Dex. I smile as I read his message.
Dex:It’s D-day. Not that D, either. Today we invade Zo’s house and drop the bomb. Are you ready?
Me: Really? You’re comparing our relationship to a seaborne invasion?
Dex: Honestly, I don’t know why that’s what I thought of first. Anyway, it’s the big day. How do you feel?
Me: I feel okay. He’s here now, stealing food from Mom and Dad.
Dex: Good mood? Bad mood?
Me: Normal, I guess.
“Seriously,Vi? You’re still not listening. Who are you talking to?” He gasps, putting some food down on the counter, heading toward me. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
He comes over like he’s trying to look at my phone, so I spin around. “Stop. You’re so nosy.”
“So it is a boy. Who is it?”
I slip my phone into the back pocket of my jeans. “Nobody. Leave me alone and go cook my dinner.”
He smirks. “Whatever. You’re lucky I do have to get back or I’d just stay here to annoy the shit out of you.”
“Good riddance.”
Zo grabs the food and walks past me, heading for the door. “He’s not gay is he? Want me to meet him so I can let you know?”
“Fuck off.”
His laughter can be heard even after he’s outside.