Page 48 of Tasting Innocence
I pull my phone back out.
Me: He thinks you’re gay.
Dex: What?!
Me: Haha! He saw me texting and harassed me over whether I have a boyfriend or not, then of course had to make a joke about whether he needed to find out if he was gay.
Dex: Wow. Well, at least he’s joking around. Let’s go over and ruin his good mood.
Me: Stop. It might be okay.
Dex: And if it isn’t?
That’sthe question of the century. What if he flips out? What if he becomes enraged? Will he throw away a fifteen year friendship? What will me and Dex do? Just stop liking each other? It’s not that easy.
Me: Let’s not think about it. Come get me in thirty?
Dex: Okay.
* * *
Though we arrive halfan hour before anybody was supposed to be at Renzo’s apartment, when we pull up, there’s already an extra car there.
“Is that Trevor’s car?” I ask.
Dex looks at me, his hand on my thigh. “Well, maybe another time?”
“We can’t keep putting it off.”
“I know.”
“Trevor knows. You don’t think he’s telling him, do you?”
He shakes his head. “Nah. He said something about everyone having secrets and he wouldn’t say anything.”
My brows furrow briefly. I know what secret he’s talking about. I found out when Renzo confided in me a while back. I’m assuming Dex doesn’t know yet, so I keep my lips pinned together. Maybe that’s why he’s here early. Perhaps he also wanted alone time with Renzo, so he could talk to him about his secret.
“There’s way too many secrets among all of us.”
Dex chuckles before turning serious. “Wait. Do you have any other secrets?”
I laugh. “No. Just this one that we’re keeping.”
He shuts the car off. “Well, I guess we’ll just play it by ear and see if we ever get an opportunity to bring it up tonight.”
“All right. Let’s go.”
His eyes trace the outline of my lips. “I really want to kiss you.”
“I want to kiss you, too. Stupid Renzo has to have a big fucking window looking out here.”
“Well…” he trails off as his hand slides between my thighs. “This will have to do.”
I bite my lip, feeling myself getting flushed. “It’s not nice to tease.”
“I’ll make it up to you,” he grins.
“You better.”