Page 61 of Tasting Innocence
Chapter Twenty-Four
Three days goby and I don’t hear a word from Renzo. If I’m being honest, I thought he’d reach out and apologize for what he said, or at least call and try to yell at me some more. Dex told me he hasn’t heard from him either, but Dex actually tried to reach out via text. It went ignored.
We haven’t discussed it, but it seems like me and Dex have an unsaid, mutual agreement not to hang out until we speak to Zo again. All we’ve done is text or talk on the phone, but our vibe isn’t as cheerful anymore. I can tell he’s concerned about his relationship with Renzo.
So now I’m meeting up with Ronan because it’s the only thing I can think of doing. I want him to tell me how Renzo is before I try to reach out.
I sit on a park bench and watch as Ronan gets out of his car and heads in my direction. He runs a hand through his light brown hair and gives me a smile.
“You look nice today,” I tell him, eyeing his dark blue Polo and slim fit jeans paired with his favorite SeaVees sneakers.
“Don’t I always?” he says before sitting across from me.
“Touché,” I say with a smirk. Ronan is always well-dressed.
“You look…okay.”
“Is that the charm that hooked my brother?”
He snorts. “You look good. You always do. But you look sad.”
“Can you blame me?”
He sighs. “I tried telling Dex to tell Renzo before he found out. I knew it wouldn’t go well if he found out on his own, but I didn’t expect this.”
“Is he still pissed?”
“He’s been very quiet.”
“He hasn’t said anything to you?”
“That night he went on and on for a long time. I convinced him to go home with me, so we grabbed an Uber and left. He ranted a bit before falling asleep, and he hasn’t said much since. I don’t really want to broach it.”
“Yeah, I get it. Do you think he’ll ever be okay with it?”
Ronan’s lips flatten. “I’m not sure. I think there needs to be a lengthy conversation, but I don’t know when he’ll be willing to listen without being angry. Especially at Dex.”
“It’s not just Dex’s fault,” I say with a huff.
“I know, but I think that’s where he feels the most betrayal.”
“Dex texted him but Zo never responded.”
“He never told me about that. Like I said, he hasn’t brought it up at all since that night.”
“Kinda weird, right?”
“Yeah, a little.”
I blow out a breath. “Well, I guess I can try to talk to him. He at home right now?”
“Yeah, he was when I left.”
“I’ll head over then.”
“I’m going to the store, so I won’t be there. Let me know how it goes.”
I nod and stand up to give him a hug.