Page 75 of Tasting Innocence
I hop out of bed and rush to my closet. “Hold on.” When I come out, I hold up a fairly skimpy red dress that Scarlet gave me. “Do you think my boyfriend would like me in this dress for the Fourth of July, or should I wear my daisy duke blue shorts and red and white crop top?”
He stares at me with no emotion until I can’t hold it in anymore and bust out laughing. “You’re too easy to rile up.”
He exhales. “I was hardly riled.”
“Whatever. Get out of here. I’ll see ya later.”
“Love you,” he calls out as he walks into the hall.
“Love you, too.”
* * *
“Happy Independence Day, bitches!”Trevor yells, already tipsy.
We spent the afternoon at Ronan and Zo’s place, eating hotdogs and hamburgers, then went to the local firework display. Initially, I felt some hesitation holding Dex’s hand or kissing him, because I was constantly looking to see if Zo was watching, but he never seemed to be paying attention. Which was probably on purpose. While we were on the back patio waiting for the food to be done, Dex pulled me down to sit on his lap. When Renzo turned and saw, he stopped briefly, then continued on with whatever he was saying. After that, I didn’t give it a second thought when I wanted to be close to Dex. We’re a couple, and Dex is best friends with my brother, so of course we’re gonna spend a lot of time together. Everyone will get used to it, plus, it’s not like we’re being gratuitous with the PDA.
While we were watching the fireworks, Zo was on one side of me while Dex was on the other—his arm draped over my shoulders. We were all able to talk and laugh like we’ve always done before. There’s such a huge weight off my shoulders now. Every time we hang out from here on out I won’t be so worried or anxious about how it’ll feel to have my brother see us together.
And now we’re back at Zo’s place. Everyone is either drinking or snacking on leftovers, and I’m sitting on the kitchen counter, watching Zo and Trevor see who can eat a hotdog the fastest. Idiots.
There’s not too many people here, just the usual plus a few more. I hung out with Scarlet and Monique at the firework display, but they had a party to go to, and I’d rather be here.
“Fuck yeah,” Zo says with a mouthful of food. “I win.”
“You need to swallow it,” I tell him.
Trevor tries to shove the last bite in his mouth, but Zo swallows down his food before Trev can.
“I have more practice downing wieners. Don’t worry about it,” Zo tells Trevor with a grin.
I shake my head. “You’re disgusting. Please never say wieners again.”
“Saying you have more practice would imply Trevor has some,” Jayden says with a laugh, oblivious to Zo getting very close to slipping with Trevor’s secret.
Zo looks at Trevor who swallows the rest of his food, then back at Jayden. “I probably have more than you.”
Jay lifts a brow. “I don’t need practice. I’ve already perfected the art of sucking—”
“Don’t say weiners!” I say, cutting him off.
Jay looks affronted. “I’d never say that. I was gonna say cock.”
Everyone busts out laughing, and Dex comes up next to me. “As much as I love hearing these guys argue over who sucks dick the best, I’d love to get you home. My home.”
I lean closer to him, resting my forehead on his. “Oh yeah? Want me all to yourself?”
He grins. “You know it.”
“Good. Let’s get out of here.”
He grabs my waist and helps me hop off the counter.
“We’re heading out,” Dex announces, giving his friends fist bumps and bro hugs.
“Bye, guys,” I say, giving a small wave.
“Be careful. Nobody drank, right?” Zo asks.