Page 127 of His Secret
“Nothing. Anything.” He gives a nod and tight-lipped smile to someone who stops to wait for the elevator. “I’m leaving afterward.”
I take a couple steps away, trying to get to a spot in the hall that’s away from all the foot traffic. He follows.
“Are you planning on telling David?” I ask in a quiet voice.
“I think if you’re going to go through with this, then you need to tell Charlotte before her father finds out. Don’t you think?”
Once again, it feels like he’s taking my side, which doesn’t seem right. I don’t trust it.
“Are you okay with…this?”
He sets his jaw. “No. But what can I do at this point?”
I want to ask him what his problem is. Is it with gay people in general? Is it simply because I’m gay? Is it because of his business and legacy that he keeps going on about? But now’s not the place to get into that.
“Well, you tried your best,” I say with a smile that holds zero amusement.
His eyes find something over my shoulder that steals his attention, but I continue to watch him. His hair is more gray than brown these days, but it’s the only thing that really shows his age. While he has some lines and wrinkles, they’re not too deep. He still takes really good care of himself—the picture of health. He’ll be around a while, and running his company for at least another ten years. He has time to find someone else to take over. He’s got capable employees. I spent many years there, and I’m probably not even the most qualified person.
His expression changes slightly, so I turn to find what he’s looking at. I step back.It’s Matías.
He spots us, his steps slowing as his eyes bounce between my father and me.
“Mr. Cruz,” my father says, stealing my breath as I look at him.
I look back at Matías who simply gives a courtesy nod.
“I was wondering if it was possible that you allow my son a longer lunch today so he can eat with me and his wife?”
His tone is polite if not robotic. But the last two words have a bite.
Matías glances at me then nods to my father. “Of course. Enjoy your lunch.”
He walks away, and I stare at my father with what has to be a dumbfounded look on my face.
“What?” he questions.
I sigh and shake my head. “Nothing. I’ll be right back.”
Back in my office, I grab my cell and send a message to Matías.
Hey. Sorry about that. I wasn’t expecting him to be here today. I didn’t even know he was in town until last night. It’s a whole long story that I’ll explain later. But I’ll be back as soon as I can.
I pocket the phone, go back out to find my dad, and ride the elevator down with him. He offers to drive; he apparently rented a car sometime this morning.
He types an address into the GPS and begins the drive to the restaurant in silence. After a few minutes, I say something I probably shouldn’t. But I don’t care.
“Matías is someone you’d really like and respect. If youmet him in any other capacity, I think you’d appreciate him as a person. He has a good head on his shoulders. He’s smart and cares a lot about his work.”
Dad’s quiet for a little bit. “Yes, that’s unfortunate then. Though I don’t know if I’d agree, because someone who cares about work and has a good head on their shoulders probably wouldn’t have an affair with their married co-worker.”
I sigh and look out the window.
We don’t speak again until we’re at the restaurant, sitting with Charlotte at a round table.
She looks a little surprised to see me, but we don’t greet each other. I just sit down and wait for the waiter to arrive.
After we place our drink orders, my father looks at Charlotte. “How do you like the area? Do you miss Chicago yet?”